Being God’s Heart and Hands during Covid-19

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A Community Project by the Companions in Christ ministry

“Whether we clean a house, wash a wound, make a call, write a cheque, listen to a person’s story, or give someone a ride to the doctor, we may do so as if Jesus Himself were the recipient – because he is! And we rely on his strength to accomplish the task. The ultimate purpose of the gifts is to serve one another so the church can bring the love of God to the world in such a way that glorifies God in all things through Jesus Christ”. 

This is a quote found in one of the last few chapters in the book for Companions in Christ (CIC). It is one of the many quotes in the book that I really like to recall as it challenges CIC participants like me, to always stay sensitive to the needs of those around us and live a Christian discipleship life that fuses our spiritual formation internally with our acts of kindness externally. 

It is also in this same spirit that some 55 members in CIC had rallied together to respond to the community’s needs during the Easter season in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Plethora of Needs in Our Community

Given the plethora of needs, as well as cornucopia of blessing efforts, from many sectors in our community during the pandemic, the CIC community had decided to focus our Act of Kindness blessing effort on the 135-member cleaning team at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID). 

NCID is the ground zero battling ground since day one of the pandemic. The CIC community wanted to show our care and appreciation to their housekeeping team who had worked tirelessly at the frontline and at great risks to their own health.

The housekeepers of NCID were presented with NTUC vouchers by the Wesley’s Companions in Christ group members at the onset of the pandemic

To ensure good stewardship, the CIC team had discussed with the NCID staff wellness staff to assess the best gifts to bring on some cheer for their housekeeping team. We were told that they have a team of 135 staff on their housekeeping team and that the housekeepers would appreciate practical gifts like supermarket vouchers.  

With that plan in mind and the blessings of our pastors, the CIC ministry went on to spearhead a fund raising effort among its members. 

Blessing135 Housekeepers at NCID on Wesley’s 135th Anniversary

Thanks to the generous contributions from 55 of the Companions in Christ, the CIC team had managed to raise a total of $4,325. In fact, the support from our CIC Community was so overwhelming we had to return some of the donations as we had already reached our target amount.

In addition, our CIC chairperson Alvin Tay had also requested FairPrice to contribute a donation of $400 worth of FairPrice vouchers through the NTUC FairPrice Foundation. 

In total, we raised a total of  $4,725 was raised which enabled us to purchase $35 vouchers – two $10 and three $5 vouchers – for each of the 135 housekeeping staff members at NCID. 

This year, coincidentally, also marks the 135th anniversary of our beloved Wesley Methodist Church.

The gifts of vouchers, together with 135 printed cards designed by our church and CIC member Yvette Yeo, were delivered by Wesley’s CIC representatives Alvin and Wendy, to the NCID housekeeping manager, two housekeeping team members and a staff wellness senior staff, on Maundy Thursday, 9 April 2020. The vouchers were distributed to their cleaning and housekeeping team over the Easter weekend.

The Heart of the Gospel – Serve One Another

“We are thankful that even in a difficult time such as this when some might be concerned with job or financial loss, the CIC community was still able to unite to contribute to a meaningful cause. No effort is too small when it comes to charity,” said CIC Chairperson, Alvin Tay.

“Every contribution had enabled the CIC community to go out of Wesley to do God’s work this season. At CIC, we want to put into practice living out our faith in relevant and practical ways.”

Because we live in a fallen and broken world, there is a constant, never-ending list of deep needs in our community and the world around us. We do not live in a vacuum.

Christ Himself had walked in our shoes while he was in this world. He understood our earthly needs. He was our example. He evangelised to his sheep. He healed, saved, shared, fed and helped many during His ministry on earth.  He showed us that is the heart of the gospel.

On behalf of Companions in Christ, Mr and Mrs Alvin Tay (extreme left) presented NTUC Fairprice vouchers to 135 housekeepers at NCID during Easter and in conjunction with the 135th anniversary of Wesley Methodist Church

As Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the South African Anglican cleric and theologian once said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” We can all give a little – of our time, talents and treasures – and be transformed to be God’s habits, heart and hands. Together, we can all go out of our church and bring a little cheer and blessing to those who are the last, lost and least in our community. 

We just have to remember what Jesus did when He was man on earth.

*Companions in Christ is a 28-week spiritual formation course under Discipleship & Nurture (D&N)

Read also: Sharing Joy with Our Friends at Jalan Berseh

Are your friends and you or your small group members and you planning to organise a project to bless our community? If you are, we would like to hear all about it! Get in touch with us at

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