Zhen Xin Hua (ZXH) is a faith community ministry that started in October 2022, after Covid-19 safety measures were lifted. It operates under Christian Outreach & Social Concerns (COSC) and is an extension of Wesley Methodist Church’s decade-long efforts to connect with the elderly in Jalan Berseh/Kelantan Road through Wesley Active Ageing Centre (WAAC). WAAC, formerly known as the Wesley Seniors Activity Centre, is located at Block 25, Jalan Berseh, and is managed by Methodist Welfare Services.
ZXH provides a platform for seniors to share their lives and for the church to explore and share the gospel in a welcoming environment. The sessions cover a range of topics from general discussions like “Why are we anxious or fearful?” and “What is forgiveness?” to more specific topics such as “Sharing the Christian Faith – Who is the Christian God?” and “Meeting a New Friend, Jesus.”
ZXH is held monthly, usually on the last Thursday, with two-hour sessions in the morning and afternoon. Each session at Wesley@Beseh, the community space at Block 25, Jalan Berseh, sees an average attendance of 25 seniors and 10 – 12 volunteers.
A typical session begins with a rousing check-in and welcome, an opening prayer and a worship song. This is followed by the topic of the day where the team would lead the seniors to have discussions pertaining to the topic for insight and understanding; this is followed by videos depicting Bible stories or accounts and testimonies that provide context and support better understanding. During a simple tea break, the seniors form small groups of four to five, each with two facilitators, for deeper discussions. At the conclusion, we share key takeaways for the day, sing a second worship song, read one or two Bible verses together and end with a closing prayer.
Why Zhen Xin Hua?
ZXH sessions are conducted in Mandarin, with volunteers also speaking dialects, making them accessible and engaging for the seniors. The volunteers from WMC have built trust with the seniors through years of ministry at Jalan Berseh. This established trust makes ZXH an effective way to share the gospel.

On 24 October 2024, 47 seniors and 20 volunteers gathered at Plaza Hall at Wesley Methodist Church to celebrate the second year of ministry. They were welcomed by Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Raymond Fong, and Rev Adrian Ng, who oversees COSC. The celebration included a time of reflection where volunteers helped the seniors write on post-its what ZXH means to them or what has touched them the most after hearing about Jesus and listening to Bible verses. Pastor Raymond shared a beautiful exhortation from Isaiah 40:29-31, emphasising that we can trust God to give us strength for each new day and that with Christ in our lives, we are promised renewed strength. He then elaborated on what this renewed strength looks like. It was a simple yet powerful and encouraging message for the seniors, whose average age is 75.
The celebration also included testimonies. Mr Lin Yik Hang, a senior, shared his gratitude to God for watching over him during his recent illness and hospitalisation. He expressed thankfulness to God for strengthening his faith during this challenging period. He felt God’s love through the visits from ZXH volunteers and the prayers from many. The second testimony was from volunteer Lilian Chan, who spoke about God’s intervention in her brother’s life. Despite his struggles with mental health challenges, the family’s fervent prayers led to a breakthrough after many years. While not a cure, he was able to hold down a job and take care of himself and their aged mother. Lilian emphasised the importance of understanding that God’s timing is not our timing. All glory to God!
There was also a fun segment where the seniors reviewed all the topics covered in the last two years, followed by a quiz with 21 questions. It was heartening to see the seniors enthusiastically raising their hands to answer the questions, and even more so when they got the answers right!
The celebration concluded with a buffet lunch in the Plaza Hall and foyer, where everyone enjoyed a delightful meal and anniversary cake.
When asked what ZXH means, the oldest participant, a centenarian, said it’s a place to speak from the heart, while another senior added that it’s a place for truth.
Saplings (幼苗小组)
During ZXH sessions, some seniors expressed a desire to learn more about the Christian faith. In response, Saplings was launched on 9 July 2024. Eight seniors, supported by seven volunteers, meet twice a month to explore topics such as salvation, studying the Bible, prayer, the Holy Spirit, sharing testimonies and the Christian community. The materials are customised for the seniors, leveraging the close relationships built through ZXH.

At the final session on 22 October 2024, Rev Lim Jen Huat celebrated Holy Communion with the group. Participants received a Certificate of Completion and a palm-sized cross. The atmosphere was joyful as they shared a meal and reflected on their experiences.
Here is what our seniors and a volunteer from Saplings have to say:
We are a family in Christ. I have experienced closeness and love here – like one big family in Christ. ~Mdm Yu Ai Zhen
I have lived in this estate for so long but wasn’t close to anyone until I joined Zhen Xin Hua and Saplings. Now, I feel the warmth and camaraderie of the other seniors and volunteers. ~Mdm Tan Boon Eng
I want to compliment Mdm Wong Choon Huay for showing care to fellow participant Mdm Leong, exemplifying Jesus’ love. ~Irene Tan, a volunteer

If you are interested in serving with ZXH, please contact COSC for more details at orchidc@wesleymc.org.
Photos courtesy of Gerald Lim
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