Joy @ Jalan Berseh

Two years of pandemic and safety distance measures may have put a pause to many physical outreach programmes by Wesley Methodist Church, but it has definitely not put a dent in our spirit of sharing with and giving to those who might need some help.

In a time of unprecedented challenges and exacting circumstances, it is even more important for the Church to bring more care and cheer to those who could do with more kindness and empathy, in our midst. And it was in this spirit that Wesley organized a care package distribution project to 517 households at Jalan Berseh on December 12, 2021.

A team of 33 volunteers, Christian Outreach and Social Concerns (COSC) committee members, church staff and pastors from Wesley Methodist Church distributed care packages to the residents.

Wesley COSC volunteers:  Many hands make light work

Said Mr Alvin Chua, Chairperson of Christian Outreach and Social Concerns (COSC): “We are thankful that the Resident’s Committee (RC) at Jalan Berseh had also contributed various items to the care package. It is a sign of our continued collaboration with them in blessing the Jalan Berseh community.”

Joining in the activity this year was Mayor, Central Singapore District and Jalan Berseh’s Member-of-Parliament, Ms Denise Phua, who thanked Wesley for the partnership in blessing the residents, which has lasted a long time through which she has met many of our pastors.

Ms Denise Phua lending a helping hand at the event

“Wesley is no stranger to the residents around Jalan Berseh, and we look forward to bringing more care projects to the residents every now and then through our two centres that cater to the needs of the youth and elderly there,” said Alvin Chua, the Chairperson of Christian Outreach and Social Concerns (COSC).

Since 2007, Wesley’s team of staff and volunteers have been familiar faces to the residents, especially the youth and elderly, through the Wesley Youth Centre and the MWS (Methodist Welfare Services) Wesley Senior Activity Center.

Even though the pandemic had curtailed most of our in-person activities over the past two years, it was truly meaningful to once again be able to reach out to the residents and bring some measure of Christmas cheer and small blessings to them.

“We are thankful that we have been given the opportunities and resources to serve and love our neighbours, both the residents and also some of the second-hand goods dealers from the former Sungei Road flea markets,” said Mr Alvin Chua.

“Sharing joy with our community is now more crucial than ever. Many now could do with some care or just a chat to cheer them up.”  

About COSC

The Wesley COSC ministry was set up around 1980″s to help and reach out to the least, last and lost in our community. Our Vision is to be a vibrant, committed and growing volunteer-based ministry in Wesley Methodist Church serving within Singapore and the region. Our Mission is to share God’s love by reaching out to help the disadvantaged and those in need and providing opportunities for volunteers to serve.

If you are interested to join us or find out more about what we do at COSC ministry, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at:

Read also: Bringing Christmas Cheer to Migrant Workers

About the Contributor

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