27 September 2023 – Come And See!

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 27th September 2023


Ephesians 4:17-32; 5:1-20 and Psalm 66 (NIV)

Come And See!


Ephesians 4:17-32; 5:1-20 and Psalm 66 (NIV)

(Charis Lim (Chairperson, Digital Wesley))


The following passage from Psalm 66:5 (NIV) stands out for me: 

Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!


Psalm 66 celebrates God’s glory as it is revealed in His mighty works. The Psalmist exhorts us to “Come and see!”

When my kids were young, I would have a lot of fun playing hide and seek with them. Sometimes they would not be able to find a place to hide in time, so they would cover their eyes with their hands hoping I couldn’t see them. But the reality was that just because their eyes were covered and they couldn’t see me, it didn’t mean that I couldn’t see them.

In the same way, I sometimes can’t see God in my present situation, but that doesn’t mean that God can’t see me. He sees me today. He sees my need. He sees my discouragement. He sees my frustration. He knows what I am feeling and what I am going through. He sees the struggles I am facing. He is a God who sees me before I even see Him. 

When it comes to God, it is not a game of Hide and Seek. Instead, God wants to play Seek and Find. Because God is not hiding: He is with me and He wants me to open my eyes to see Him. May God open my spiritual eyes to be like the Psalmist who declares “Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!”


In Psalm 66, the Psalmist proceeds to give examples of God’s wondrous works, mostly focusing on the events of the Exodus (vs 6-12). But in the final verses of the Psalm (vs 13-20), the focus is on what God did for the Psalmist himself. 

Today, I am in a position very similar to the Psalmist’s. Just as I am convicted to “Come and see” the goodness of God in my life, I am also brought to the realisation that the whole world should also be invited into this celebration to “Come and see”. How can I point others, like the Psalmist did, to “Come and see” the marvelous works of what God has done? How can I bear testimony to God’s faithfulness and invite others into the celebration of God’s mighty hand?


Psalm 66 reminds me of my responsibility to proclaim to others, “Come and see!”. In what ways can I say to my family and friends, “Come and see!”? May I be faithful and even eager to invite those who don’t know God to consider His mighty works. How might God be made more visible in my daily life so that others can “Come and see” the love of Jesus in me? May I bear witness to His glory, not only in my words, but also in my actions. 


Father in heaven, thank you for being a God who sees me even when I sometimes struggle to see you. Help me to “Come and see” your wondrous works even as I endeavour to help others “Come and see” your love and power in my life. 

In Jesus name. Amen.

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