25 March 2023 – The Wise And Foolish Builders

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 25th March 2023


Matthew 7:24-29 (NIV)

The Wise And Foolish Builders

LENT 2023 | DAY 28

Matthew 7:24-29 (NIV)

(Roger Chan, Chairperson, Small Group Minist)


Matthew 7:24-29 (NIV)


Many of us are familiar with the story of the “Three Little Pigs”. The first pig was lazy and built its house quickly on flimsy straw before going to play. The second pig was a little more hardworking and built its house on sticks, then it went to play. The third pig was the most industrious of the three and built its sturdy house with solid bricks. Then, a hungry big bad wolf came and blew the first two houses down with relative ease. The first two pigs ran to the third pig’s house to seek shelter. At the third pig’s house, the wolf huffed and puffed but could not blow the brick house down. The third pig laid a strong foundation and built a strong house. 

This childhood story is somewhat similar to our scripture reading today. For the last 27 days of Lent, we have been reading devotions based on the Sermon on the Mount. The emphasis today is the commitment to put them into practice and be obedient to Jesus’ teachings. For those who put them into practice are like the wise builders who build their houses on the rock, akin to the third pig building his house with bricks. This provides a solid foundation to our faith, which will not quiver when faced with challenges and difficulties. 

In contrast, if we choose to only listen and not act on the teachings, we are like foolish builders who build their houses on sand. Like the first and second pigs, their houses will not be able to withstand troubles and will be blown away easily. 

The Bible warns us of trials and tribulations which Christians may have to endure. There will be temptations. Our faith will be tested. If we do not build a strong foundation, we will run the risk of faltering in our faith.

I find fully obeying Christ and His teachings easier said than done. I have to confess that I struggle with balancing work, family and ministry commitments. These are often at the expense of doing my daily devotion and guiding my family spiritually. I run the risk of building my spiritual faith on sticks, or worse, straw. To build a strong foundation, I will need to slow down and be disciplined to prioritise what is important. I pray for God to guide me through this season and help me be a better Christian.


1.   Examine your daily walk as a Christian. Are you building your life on rock or sand?

2.   How can we be doers and not merely hearers of God’s Word?

3.   As a family, each member can make a commitment to be a doer for one area in his or her life. Will you faithfully follow Jesus and be accountable to one another?

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