A Tribute to Pastor Michael Tan

On 2 October 2022, after the Mandarin Ministry Service (MMS) worship session in the Sanctuary, MMS members held a farewell buffet party sharing session for Pastor Michael Tan — albeit with a feeling of reluctance.  From the beginning of October to the end of December 2022, after Pastor Michael’s annual leave is cleared, his service in MMS will officially end and his retirement life journey begins.

I got to know Pastor Michael when he started ministering to MMS in 2012. As our shepherd, Pastor Michael is the foundation of the MMS church family.

First, I would like to thank Pastor Michael for his caring shepherding of MMS over the past 11 years. Whether they are brothers and sisters in the congregation, or families, relatives and friends of the members, as well as the English congregation, Pastor Michael is willing to take on the responsibility of shepherding. Therefore, the baptism services, weddings, new home blessings, visits, interviews, counselling, encouragement, and funeral services that Pastor Michael has presided over in the past eleven years are really countless. There have also been other activities such as identification of spirits, dismantling of idols and casting out of demons, the identification of heretical sects, and, of course, Pastor Michael’s strong evangelistic Bible study, all of which have benefited us immensely.

In addition, Pastor Michael’s pulpit sermons have brought a lot of edification to our spiritual life. Thanks to his faithful service, he does visitations every time a need arises. He visits patients in the hospital or those who are homebound, and his prayers help to lift the spirit and strength of everyone who hears them. 

Personally, my family is grateful to Pastor Michael for the wake service he conducted for my late mother and sister. Thank God that Pastor Michael serves not only the church but also the wider community, even those who are not part of his congregation.

Under the leadership of Pastor Michael, MMS has remained unified. He preached many sermons — providing us with solid biblical teaching, leading us to focus our ultimate hope in Jesus. In addition, he is gifted in singing and acting, which he shows off in church camps or other church events. In 2019, under the arrangement and planning of Preacher Alice Hsieh, he helped to lead a group of MMS Kairos students and volunteers to Chiang Rai, Thailand for a short outreach missions trip for the first time to build church relationships overseas.

The development of the MMS today is obviously a result of God’s almighty hand, and there have been many members who have helped and worked silently. Pastor Michael’s contributions are unforgettable.

Pastor Michael, may God remember your hard work and repay you a hundredfold!  In the future, even if we may not be able to meet on Sunday for gatherings, we sincerely wish Pastor Michael, his wife Dorothy and their family good health and be full of God’s anointing. May God protect and watch over you, and in the days to come, may you continue to be used by the Lord, to glorify and testify Him in different places, and be good and faithful servants of the Lord.

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美芝路被袭击的火锅餐馆员工韩红丽姐妹如何回归上帝 2022年4月14日下午,韩红丽女士的整个世界崩塌了。 前一分钟,她还在她工作的重庆(起源)餐厅厨房里例行切肉; 下一分钟,她就遭到了恶毒的攻击,无情地被菜刀连砍。 被控攻击未遂的袭击者正是她分居的丈夫。 暴力的袭击过程都被在新加坡疯传的视频中捕捉到了。 新加坡人对这起在光天化日之下发生的谋杀未遂事件表示震惊和恐惧。 幸好,事发时有十来个勇敢的火锅店员工和旁人挺身而出相助,红丽才能保住性命。 8个多月后,红丽现在左眼失明,部分手指也无法使用。 至 5 月 19 日出院后,红丽一直在救世军的庇护所得到他们的住宿和照, 在等待审判程序开始的同时,专注于身体、情感、精神和精神的康复。 “当第一刀袭来时,我满脑子想的就是逃跑。 我能想的只是要活下去,因为我还想见我的两个孩子。” 红丽说。 外籍劳工, 典型的好妈妈 和所有寻找更好的工作机会以赚取更多的钱养家糊口的外籍劳工一样,红丽于2016 年从中国河南省来到新加坡从事餐饮业工作。 在她看来,赚钱和让家人过上更舒适的生活,是头等大事。她尤其操心的是她的两个孩子:一个儿子和一个还在上大学的女儿。 “我心中只有一个目标:赚更多的钱来养活我的两个孩子。 除了努力工作之外还是努力,我的头脑和心灵都没有时间和空间来思考其他事情。 我甚至选择了半年一天都不休息,这样我就可以为我的孩子赚更多钱。” 来新加坡工作之前,红丽在中国从事过不同的工作,包括清洁和抛光汽车。 红丽之前在河南做汽车美容师时遇到了一位顾客,这位顾客开始向她讲述基督。 “我的客户与我分享了福音。 渐渐地,我接受了基督,” 红丽回忆道。 “但我没有专注于跟随上帝。 我脑子里还有其他紧迫的事情,比如确保家人三餐温饱。” 震惊与悲伤,恐惧与愤怒 红丽已经经历了六次手术,还有更多手术要做。 红丽的手臂、脖子、脸和身体的其他部位都有长长的伤疤,这些伤疤让她痛苦地想起发生过的事情。 她的一只眼睛也失明,左手臂也数月无法动弹。右手的运作也受影响,两根手指的部分被切断了,其中一根指尖无法寻回、连接。 “警察已经尽力了。 可他们找到午夜,都找不到那根指尖。” “有很长的一段时间,我都不敢照镜子。 我处于深深的愤怒、绝望和悲伤之中,我感到痛苦、自卑和绝望。 我很震惊他对我做了这样的事。” 红丽不得不经历和忍受愤怒、创伤以及身体和情感上的痛苦。那种精神和肉体的熬煎是无法形容的。 “我不知道如何描述它。无言.” 红丽用普通话分享道。 “你是世界上最美丽的妈妈” 红丽曾想过放弃这一切。 “如果不是为了我在中国的两个孩子,我真不想活下去, 就死了算了。 当时是孩子们给了我继续活下去的希望,” 红丽回忆起当时的创伤痛苦,擦干眼泪说。 有一次,红丽在国内的弟弟拼命鼓励红丽,甚至对她使用激将法,逆反心理:“我弟弟对我说,‘如果你想放弃生命,就不要指望我来照顾你的孩子。 如果你放弃你的生命,我也不会照顾他们。 你应该尽力生存并重建你的生活,这样你才能继续看到你的孩子’。” “当我听到弟弟的话时,我很难过并且崩溃了。 但我心里知道我弟弟是对的,我必须为活下去而奋斗。”  “我的孩子他们告诉我,对他们来说,我是世界上最美丽的母亲。为了他们,我要坚强起来。” 回归上帝 红丽没想到,她的人生转折点就在此时来临。红丽说: “确实当时一切都显得那么绝望。” 住院期间,红丽经常默默地哭泣,但也有时间反思发生的事情。 “我意识到当我受到攻击时,上帝派了许多天使来拯救我。 我感谢那些在袭击中挺身而出帮助我的勇敢的人。 我也感谢社区的天使们在我的康复之旅中支持我。 我也感谢上帝。 在为我几乎被切断的左臂进行大手术之前,我一直在努力祈祷,当我在手术室里时躺在手术床上,我感觉到了几个天使看顾我,我真的觉得上帝亲自为我做了手术,十分感动。 连医生都对我的康复也感到惊讶。” 住院期间,红丽开始为生计、医疗和康复费用,

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