Mid-Autumn Evangelistic Outreach 2022: Reborn in Desperate Circumstances

As Mandarin Ministry (MM) Chairman Justin Ong aptly put, “Mid-Autumn is a time of Reunion.” Indeed, there was a palpable sense of togetherness at Wesley MM’s annual Mid-Autumn Outreach. For the first time in three years, the event saw more physical than virtual attendees. The wet weather did little to dampen high spirits, with a record turnout of over 200 in-person attendees, and others joining via live stream. 

Record turnout for Mid-Autumn Outreach 2022

“It was encouraging to see the overwhelming attendance, and how engaged the audience was,” said Koh Choon Chye, Wesley MM’s Outreach Lead. The Ministry has been actively connecting with the Mandarin-speaking church community through the pandemic, from door-to-door visits gifting mooncakes, to organising outreach events like these.

Welcome and introduction by MM Chairman Justin Ong

After a warm welcome by Justin, Pastor Michael led the congregation in an opening prayer. This was followed by a medley of uplifting songs performed by the worship team that brought the audience to a posture of praise.

The Music team’s rousing worship

The guest speaker, Pastor Jason Ong, then delivered a touching sermon on his 10-year journey after being diagnosed with a very rare brain tumour, and how he pursued God’s purpose for his life through it all. Many in the audience were visibly moved by his faith-filled and powerful testimony.

Pastor Jason Ong sharing his miraculous healing experience

“We can never save ourselves by relying on our own strength. We need Him,” urged Pastor Jason. “Place your faith in Him regardless of circumstances, and He will make your paths straight.” The service culminated in a round of worship and prayer led by Pastor Michael, with many responding to the altar call to establish and renew their spiritual commitment. A total of 13 members of the congregation responded to the altar call that day.

Pastor Michael leading the congregation in prayer

Participants then adjourned for a time of fellowship over food and drink. Jenny Ho, who has been a MM volunteer since 2021, was especially heartened by the communal, almost festive atmosphere. “Good to see the younger generation taking the initiative to bring and accompany their parents and grandparents. It’s been such a nice get-together.”

Fellowship over refreshments

Kudos to the team of dedicated volunteers for putting together a successful event!

(Photos by Henry Lim)

About Wesley Mandarin Ministry
The Wesley Mandarin Ministry (MM) was founded in 1993, with the core mission of building and nurturing a Christian community for Mandarin and dialect-speaking Wesley members and their loved ones. The committee organises several family services and evangelistic outreach events each year. The next event, MM Christmas Celebration, will be held on 31 December 2022. Kindly contact aliceh@wesleymc.org for further details.

Read also: 39 Years of Wesley Filipino Fellowship: A Beautiful Thing

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