Following Jesus With Intentional Discipleship

“Woah, Ah Boy! I haven’t seen you for so long. You’ve grown so much taller and more muscular since I last saw you. Do you have a girlfriend yet?” These are some of the remarks I have come across as a youth during each year’s Lunar New Year as my family move from home to home to visit our relatives. 

In some way, these are easy conversation starters because we rarely get the chance to meet nowadays. At the same time, I am  reminded that all of us do grow up and change over time. Our changes are not limited to the physical, such as a change from wearing bermudas to wearing jeans. Change can include things such as changes in preference (e.g. in music genres), changes in lifestyle (e.g. waking up earlier for morning runs) and so on. 

As we approach our church anniversary this month, may I suggest that you also consider this:  how has Wesley Methodist Church changed spiritually? 

Our church building has been renovated over the years, to repair and renew its physical appearance. But what about our church family? How has our church family in Wesley Methodist Church grown spiritually since our last anniversary? What is the spiritual health of our Small Group community? What is the spiritual health of individual Wesleyans?

These are some of the concerns driving our emphasis on the need for all of us to follow Jesus through Intentional Discipleship. 

As Wesley launches Intentional Discipleship at our anniversary this month, the theme has been communicated on a variety of platforms. For example, at the pulpit, the pastors have been preaching the Wesley Discipleship Model sermon series. At the ministry level, we have offered programmes such as DISCIPLE and Companions In Christ, and provided volunteers opportunities so that everyone may take their first steps through one or more of the five faith environments of Significant Circumstances, Scriptural Obedience, Spiritual Relationships, Spiritual Disciplines and Sacrificial Service. 

Benny Ho shared this in his book Towards a Disciple-making Church: “Every church I know of desires to make disciples but not many end up doing so. The missing element is intentionality. Discipleship doesn’t just happen by accident: We make it happen” (italics added).

Discipleship doesn’t just happen by accident. How are you also intentionally making it happen for yourself and your community?

How have you been growing as a disciple of Christ? At the personal level, you are encouraged to take your personal spiritual health check (available on the church website) and to share your personal action plans with an accountability partner so that we may all grow together in Christ. 

May you take the first step!

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