How Has Your Intentional Discipleship Journey Been?

At the beginning of this year, our church embarked on a new season of discipleship through Directions 2025. Pastor Raymond reminded us that we are all called to intentionally grow in our discipleship. If we are not intentional, we have a tendency to drift from God. To be intentional also involves the willingness to grow deep instead of remaining shallow in our faith, which is essential in us being transformed into the image of Christ.

To encourage a holistic approach to our discipleship, we offer the Wesley Discipleship Model (WDM) whose framework includes the five faith-growing environments of Significant Circumstances, Scriptural Obedience, Spiritual Relationships, Spiritual Disciplines and Sacrificial Service (CORDS for short). As individuals, we may not be immersed in all five faith environments at the same time, but there is always a next step we can take in one or more of these areas at any point in time. 

At the beginning of this year, many of us would have done our spiritual health-check (access link at which would have helped us take our next step in our intentional discipleship journey. As we draw near to the end of the year, it is a good time to reflect on how our discipleship journey has been in 2022. It may also be a good idea to re-visit our spirit health check as we look forward to another year of being intentional in growing our faith deeper, together as a church family. 

It is my prayer that as our Wesley church family grows in our discipleship, we may have a complete knowledge of His will, with spiritual wisdom and understanding, that we may always honour and please Him, and live lives that produce every kind of good fruit (Colossians 1:9-10).

Discipleship & Nurture Ministry supports your intentional discipleship journey by offering a comprehensive curriculum and resources which cater to various different needs. 

Take the next step, and be blessed as you encounter Jesus along the way.

Read also: Find out more about Bible study courses offered by D&N Ministry

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