To be instructed in the Word, we need to study the Bible, the Word of God. It contains the mind of God and reveals His will for each one of our lives. As Paul said, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17).
Discipleship & Nurture Ministry offers four group Bible study courses — DISCIPLE, PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT, COMPANIONS IN CHRIST and CHRISTIAN BELIEVER in addition to lectures and workshops. You may be asking, “So which group course is suitable for me?”
We posed frequently-asked questions about these courses to the leaders of the sub-ministries, and had the privilege to share personal insights of past participants on how these courses have helped them grow in their discipleship journey. We produce an excerpt of the discussion here.
Goh Khean Chye (GKC) – DISCIPLE Bible study
DISCIPLE is designed with the objective of equipping the people of God for the ministry and build up of the body of Christ so that we can mature as disciples of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13). The course is 32 to 34 weeks long depending on the module. It involves weekly group discussions in small group settings of 12-15 people.
Chan Wai Lup (CWL) – Precept Upon Precept
Precept is a group course that is based on the study of different books of the Bible. It is modular with each module consisting of 12 to 16 sessions, which will last over a period of four to five months. Precept goes more in-depth because we cover each book chapter by chapter and therefore it takes more lessons to complete a single book of the Bible.
Alvin Tay (AT) – Companions in Christ (CIC)
Companions in Christ is a small group experience in spiritual formation. The course consists of 28 sessions, including orientation and a closing retreat.
Spiritual formation is growing in Christ by emulating the way of Christ, the mind of Christ, the heart of Christ, the work of Christ and also the Spirit of Christ. We explore the Christian spiritual life under five headings — spiritual formation, scripture, prayer, vocation, spiritual companionship.
Audie Lim (AL) – Christian Believer (CB)
Christian Believer is a study of Christian doctrines, that is, what the Church believes and teaches. Doctrine is essentially that of faith seeking to understand the mysteries of our beliefs. To this end, Christian Believer aims to address the substance of our faith confessions, and in particular, to connect our believing with faithful living.
Ultimately, a study of doctrine has its end in making God known. The participant is brought by his daily assignments into the presence of God. That is why the central theme of Christian Believer is Knowing God with Heart and Mind.

What are the distinctive features of each Bible study course?
DISCIPLE is a four-module program. As you go through the four modules, you will experience an increasing progression in your journey as a disciple of Christ.
In DISCIPLE 1 Becoming a Disciple Through Bible Study is focused on reading the Word and understanding what it takes to be a disciple of Christ.
In DISCIPLE 2, you learn about the Word and apply the Word in the world.
DISCIPLE 3 is about knowing our identity, remembering who we are, the royal priesthood set apart for God. We cover the prophets as well as letters of Paul. Like the prophets and Paul, we proclaim the Lord’s Word in the world.
We complete the journey with DISCIPLE 4 Under the Tree of Life, where we learn how to finish the race and find rest and security in Christ.
What is unique about DISCIPLE is its intensive and comprehensive coverage of the Bible, with each module providing a well balanced focus between the Old and the New Testaments.
CWL (Precept):
The most distinctive feature about Precept is the inductive Bible study method that has been used to observe and interpret scriptures accurately. This helps us to apply the
Word of God accurately in our lives. The main concept of inductive Bible study is to allow Scripture to interpret Scripture. When we are unsure about how to interpret a passage, we make use of word study to help us understand or we look at other parts of the book, or even other books of the Bible to help us to interpret the passage. We do not depend on outside sources or commentaries — we depend on the Bible itself.
The distinctive feature in CIC is spiritual formation. In CIC, our focus is not just on Head but more on Heart, Hands and Habits. Every week there is a chapter on a particular topic to read and then five daily exercises which are designed to help one move from information to experience. The focus of CIC is on reflection, and one is encouraged to journal one’s reflections for sharing of insights during the group sessions.
Participants will be taught to practise various spiritual disciplines such as prayer, lectio divina, examen, etc. so as to connect deeper with Christ.
AL (CB):
First, CB is about doctrine, a deep dive into the faith we already have. A study of doctrine ‘feels’ different from conventional Bible study because the Bible is read from the perspective of doctrines and therefore requires that we listen to the Word in a different way.
Second, doctrine begins with the Bible but also draws its formation from other sources. It requires us to delve into the tradition and history of our faith. To understand doctrines and their interconnectivity, we will draw first from Scripture. We will also read and study historical creeds, prayers, hymns and selected Christian writings, to consider the thoughts of their Christian authors on the various beliefs. We will further learn of words that reflect the Christian language of faith that have been passed down the generations. We will also study Christian symbols as windows into the basic truths of the Christian faith.
Lastly, there is an emphasis that our declaration of faith is not simply personal but that of a community. Hence, it requires the individual to weigh their personal beliefs against classical church beliefs that have been taught to this day.

Who would you recommend to do DISCIPLE, PRECEPT, CIC and CB?
I would recommend DISCIPLE to anybody who is willing to apply themselves diligently in searching the scriptures. Prepare to commit half an hour a day to read God’s Word and you start developing the habit of meeting Jesus each day and allowing the Word to transform you.
CWL (Precept):
Anyone can do Precept, but from my experience, the people who really appreciate Precept are those who have completed a Bible study course or DISCIPLE.
Having covered the whole Bible, they are very hungry to go deeper into the Word, and Precept helps them to do that. Of course, people who have not done any Bible study before can do Precept, but I think people who appreciate it most are those who have done other Bible study courses.
To benefit fully from CIC and have a more holistic spiritual growth, I would recommend that participants go through a Bible study course — be it DISCIPLE, Precept or even BSF. —
before joining CIC. Whilst CIC focuses more on heart and hands, and to a lesser extent, on head knowledge, we require the participant to have a sound knowledge and understanding of the Bible before they go on to practise spiritual disciplines.
AL (CB):
CB is an extension of the DISCIPLE family. Ideally, the mature Christian should have completed DISCIPLE or at the very least three modules of DISCIPLE to pursue this study. This is because the study of doctrines is a deep dive into the substance of the Christian faith. The content is heavy in that it is unfamiliar and sometimes, abstract.
In order to dive deep, participants are expected to have a good and broad biblical foundation. They should have experienced the sustained rigour and discipline of a high tempo study, and they would have fairly well developed Christian beliefs and experiences in order to measure their beliefs against essential church teachings.
Is it necessary for me to do all the four Bible study courses?
Many people who have done all four Bible study courses have testified that their spiritual lives have become richer as a result, as the courses cater to different aspects of spiritual growth. The four modules of DISCIPLE Bible Study give a very good overview of the Bible by going through all the books in four years. If you want a more in-depth study, then that would be Precept. CIC is complimentary to DISCIPLE and Precept, and the spiritual disciplines we learn and practise there make it more experiential. The participants come together to share their life journey and matters of the heart, rather than get involved in an intellectual debate on, say, the interpretation of the biblical text. Finally, CB takes a deeper dive to enable you to better understand and examine all of your faith learnings and experiences. After all, if we were to truly stake our lives on who and what we believe in, then it is imperative that we should want to know God with all our heart and mind

What were your experiences with DISCIPLE, PRECEPT and CIC?
CECILIA CHOW (CC) – Participant
DISCIPLE provided a structured study that guided my faith journey as a born-again believer. For CIC, I learned how to live more like Christ through the contemplative study, and it helped me to think more about how Christ would be relevant in my life.
Precept’s inductive way of study opened my mind to see that I really need to be patient, to learn to listen to God’s Word in an inductive way. That means I give time to let the Word speak to me. It was such a blessing to be able to experience all three courses.
GRACE CHUA (GC) – Participant
My DISCIPLE 1 journey started out in a really challenging way. My knowledge of the Bible was really lacking so DISCIPLE really helped me establish a foundation in knowing what God’s Word is and what it actually means. It provided me a framework to read the Bible. CIC is a wonderful course that allows me to move the information from head to heart. There was a gap between what I know and how I feel, so CIC helped me dig deeper into myself to answer questions that I never thought about before. One of the exercises involved listening to God in silence. It is not something that comes naturally for me to listen to God in silence. We are so busy with everyday life that we don’t actually bother to take time to listen to God. CIC reminded me there is this gateway to God that I should appreciate. It was perfect timing because I run a business in the tourism industry and the business ground to a halt in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Practising the spiritual disciplines brought me so much comfort, assurance and faith as God assured me that everything will be okay. The companionship of my CIC group really helped me pull through this very difficult time.
In Precept, I was introduced to the Blue Letter Bible which draws attention to minute details in the Bible verses. It also taught me a very important lesson, which is not to make my own assumptions and to rely too much on Bible commentaries. Precept taught me to let God’s Word speak to me and have patience to listen to Him.
How have you specifically benefited from each of these courses?
For DISCIPLE 1, I gained the confidence of approaching the Bible in an unafraid manner.
I never touched the Bible before eight years ago, so after going through 80 percent of the Bible, I am not afraid of the Bible. DISCIPLE 2 guided me to understand the various forms of spiritual disciplines. DISCIPLE 3 is personally very impactful for me because in the uncertainties of life, I went to a moment to find myself, to search myself, and understand who I am. My identity in Christ gave me the assurance that despite the uncertainty in the world, I have Christ as my cornerstone. My DISCIPLE journey ended up very beautifully with DISCIPLE 4. DISCIPLE 4 helped me realise that there is a tree of life at the end. My fears of the unknown turned into worship and praise, because the Bible tells us that we have hope and assurance in the promise of Christ’s final victory.
Precept made me depend upon the Holy Spirit to listen to God’s Word from God Himself and not depend so much on Bible commentaries.
CIC touched a personal string in my heart because CIC helped me to contemplate and not rush into understanding what the Scripture is talking about, but to really take a pause to understand where Christ is in my life. How does Christ relate to me? How does He want me to live? Not what Bible commentators may say, but what Jesus is saying to me in a very personal way.

Do you find it hard to commit to completing the course and what helped you to persevere?
When I first started DISCIPLE, I found the amount of homework that needs to be done really daunting. What helped was the coming-together sessions. Even if you don’t do your homework, it is important to come together, as we are supposed to be learning together in a community. It is not a solo journey but a community growth in Christ with fellow disciples and companions. At first I was very affected by how little time I have — I didn’t have time to commit to this and that. However, as I grew deeper into the Word, there was a hunger to want to really find out more, to find out what God’s truth is for me.
I enjoyed each CIC session so much I had no struggle with time commitment at all. CIC taught me the different ways of connecting to God through interesting and meaningful activities such as clay modelling with tea lights, creative art activities, etc. One of the activities that really touched my heart was foot washing. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we had to do it over Zoom with one of our family members. I got my daughter involved in foot washing and we shared such an intimate and emotional experience, we actually cried. It was such a heart-warming experience for us.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering a Bible study course?
I would ask what would the person be looking for? If you are seeking something, and you know what you are seeking, your questions will be more directed to find that right answer. In my case, I was seeking to understand Revelation, so doing Revelation with Precept suited me very well because Precept goes deep. If you want the breadth of knowledge, I would recommend DISCIPLE. When I joined CIC, I realised I was seeking spiritual formation. I was seeking to understand how to live by Christ because CIC covers the journey of Christ, His heart and mind.
It really comes back to the question of self. What are you looking for when you want to do these courses?

Although Precept is shorter with four to five month modules, it seems rather demanding in terms of the amount of homework required. How would you encourage someone considering doing Precept?
I enjoyed Precept very much. What helped was covering the cross references and realising that the whole Bible is really a connected book. For example, we learn about Revelation, and then there are visions that have already happened in Daniel. How does it tie back? How does Matthew relate back to Revelation and then back to our lives?
It is not so much of worrying if I can complete the homework or not, it is more of going deeper to understand where God is in this? To me, whenever I get lost, I will go back into the Scriptures to ask “God where are You?” “Which part of the Scripture are you speaking to me?” It has to come back to that personal relevance.
Be patient with yourself in adapting to the style of the inductive Bible study method. Once you get the hang of it, it does get easier. I really enjoyed Teacher K. Arthur’s videos and that helped me when I was lost. My homework covered a quarter of what I could understand, but the bulk of what I learned came from attending the group sessions and listening to all the participants’ sharing. There were many eye-opening moments where I stood corrected due to common but wrong assumptions. Don’t get overwhelmed by the homework, just be there for the group sessions.
PETER GOH – Facilitator
I do sincerely encourage you to consider signing up for one of these Bible study courses. All of us have very busy lives and everyone has a long to-do list. I think the most important thing is to take the next step and ask God which course suits you for this season of your life, and make the commitment. For me, I have found that once I made that commitment, God just cleared my schedule for me. I have done five years of DISCIPLE every week and I cannot remember a single time that I was disturbed during the two-and-a-half hour weekly group sessions. I think it is very important what everybody has highlighted — that it is all about study in community — and that we actually learn more when we share in community. It is not about just reading alone.
Let’s take the next step! To find out more about the courses offered by Discipleship and Nurture Ministry, refer to our Curriculum Catalogue.
Please click here to watch the recording of the panel discussion.
Read also: How Has Your Intentional Discipleship Journey Been?