7 April 2022 – A True Disciple Is A Good Neighbour

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 7th April 2022


Matthew 25:31-46 (NIV)

A True Disciple Is A Good Neighbour

LENT 2022 | DAY 32

Matthew 25:31-46 (NIV)

(Tony Tng, Chairperson, Missions Committee)


Matthew 25:31-46 (NIV)


When Christ comes again, what would that scene look like? 

1. The Son of Man will come in His Glory. 

2. Jesus will be accompanied by all the angels. 

3. Jesus will sit on His Glorious Throne. 

4. All the nations, from every nook and corner of this earth, will be gathered before Him.

Whoa, What a scene! Every person, believer or otherwise, will have to stand in front of our Lord Jesus Christ to be judged. This will be the time of reckoning, the time when the people will be separated one from another just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. This will be the time of reckoning to separate the true disciples from those who are not. Every one of us will be asked to account for our actions. This is the time of judgement and that job has been committed to Jesus.

To further understand this last discourse, we need to go back to read Matthew 24 and Matthew 25:1-30, where Christ taught His disciples about the Kingdom of God and what it would be like. This series of teachings is often known as the Olivet Discourse. In His series of teachings, Jesus explained 3 things to His disciples:

1. The Kingdom of Heaven will come but the time of that coming is only known to His Father. The end of time will be here, just don’t try to guess when that will happen.

2. Jesus will be going away for a while but will surely return. This is a promise and God always keeps them.

3. During Jesus’ absence, the disciples are to prepare themselves to become His true disciples. This is an instruction for us to immerse in intentional discipleship. Now, in this closing chapter of Matthew 25, Jesus pronounced yet the last discourse ending with this crescendo to His teaching – that all will be judged by how well we have prepared to become His true disciples and how we are becoming more and more like Christ.


No one wants to be taken advantage of by another person. That is a defence mechanism innate in us. I am no different. You and I probably have come across peddlers selling tissue paper, toys or pens in hawker centres. My instinct would tell me to avoid them. But an incident many years ago changed my attitude. I still remember that incident clearly. I was at the East Coast Lagoon hawker centre that evening and a tattooed young man approached my table to sell key chains. He was asking for $5 per piece. I was really reluctant and as politely as I could, turned him down. He went to the other tables and after going one round, he returned to me.

Just as I was beginning to get irritated, he began to tell me the reason for his having to peddle. He was in and out of prison a few times but he was determined to find a decent job. This proved more difficult than he could imagine. While still looking for a job, he decided to peddle key chains to support his aged parents.

It was a touching story and I decided to buy his story even if it was untrue. I decided that if the $5 could buy him some happiness, let him con me. However, I would rather take the chance that his story is indeed true. Then, I would have done a small bit to encourage him to go along the path away from prison and be a better person. He went away so thankful and all smiles on his face. So did I and it reminded me to always emulate Jesus to attend to the last, the lost and the least. That was a great lesson and Matthew 25:31-46 just reminded me not to ignore those in our society who have less than me.

Our fruits will tell if we have indeed become true disciples of Christ. If the hungry among us have been fed, when the sick are healed and looked after, the poor are clothed, strangers are welcomed into our community and there is peace and harmony in our nation, these things would surely please the Lord. Yes, one person cannot possibly do all of these things at the same time but if each of us does just one bit, the society will prosper with the love that God intended for us to give. That would be discipleship done intentionally and we have become neighbours to those around us.


Be like Jesus and always be on the lookout for those who are in need. Be a good neighbour to those around me.


Heavenly Father, my Almighty God of love and mercy. You have never failed to love those You have created. You care for each of us. Indeed, my heart is filled with thanksgiving for the love that You have never failed to shower upon me. If I have failed to obey Your precepts, God, I ask for Your forgiveness. If I have failed to love those in need, I ask for Your forgiveness. Lead me to think and do like Jesus who never fails to care for those in need. Help me to be a good neighbour to those around me. In Christ’s most precious name, I pray. Amen.

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