5 May 2023 – God’s Tabernacle And Priestly Service

Input BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 5th May 2023


Exodus 39 and Psalm 77 (NIV)

God’s Tabernacle And Priestly Service


Exodus 39 and Psalm 77 (NIV)

(Giam Lay Hoon, Disciple Facilitator)


I was struck by the detail, precision and the value of items used for the construction of the sanctuary, and the making of the priestly robes. Also, the highly skilled craftsmen, artisans, artists displaying beauty and reverence under the awesome leadership of Moses, as commanded by God.

God’s servants must be prepared so that when the people came to the Tabernacle to worship, it would be in a fit and worthy place to meet with God.

The garments for the priests were according to God’s design (39:1-31). Today, our pastors continue to wear “priestly robes”, and this sets them apart as ordained servants of the LORD.

Verse 42 – Moses followed God’s commands when assembling his team, his “committee”. He brought the works for God’s inspection. Moses affirmed and blessed the workers who did as instructed.


Around the time I was asked to share this reflection, we choir-members were told that we would be able to use our choir-robes again when serving in the Sanctuary services. As I retrieved my robe, I recalled how for close to 40 years, choir-members have lovingly treasured, cared for and maintained these robes.

In Exodus 39 we were taught that every item of worship is to be treasured and kept well, be they the physical sanctuary, the altar, the windows casting glorious light or the floral offerings These are to be kept in excellent condition, worthy of the praise and worship we offer to the LORD.

From the time I was inducted into this ministry, I must be appropriately dressed to welcome God’s people into His house. I wear the “work clothes”.

Moses proved to be a good leader. He did not “settle” for second best. He did not cut corners; he did not use cheaper alternatives.

I too should serve God to the best of my abilities, to give my best to my Master.


1 Peter 2:9 – God calls on His believers to be priests. I am of a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, part of a holy nation, so that I may proclaim how excellent God is, for He has called me out of darkness into His marvellous light.

1 Corinthians 6:19 – my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, a tabernacle of the One who I worship.

How marvellous! What a privilege to be part of His priestly ranks to serve Him!

There have been times when the choir ushers in the tangible presence of the Lord with heartfelt, passionate worship, thus granting His people a meeting with His Glory.  When the Hallelujah Chorus is proclaimed by the choir and orchestra, and tears fall, I too meet with God.

I am also a tabernacle because the Holy Spirit dwells in me. The manifestation of God is present when I align my will to the Lord’s.

I ask whether the world can see a distinct pattern in my life.

Can they tell by

-what I spend money on,

– how I spend my time,

-how I regard and treat others,

-how I direct people to God,

that I am a Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.


As a servant and a member of the “priesthood”, serving as choir-member and Worship Leader, I shall continue to strive to be in the presence of God.

This means:

-Reading the bible daily;

-Serving faithfully in the Disciple Ministry and the Worship and Music Ministry;

-Interceding in prayer for those who need it;

-Living distinctly, as this world is not my home; and

-Affirming and encouraging all.


Dear LORD,

Thank You for the undeserved privilege of being a redeemed person, and a tabernacle of your Holy Spirit.

I ask that you continue to show me the way to

See You more Clearly

Love You More Dearly

Follow You More Nearly

May each person who encounters me, Encounter You.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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