5 May 2022 – Faithful To The End

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 5th May 2022


Esther 8 and Psalm 71 (NIV)

Faithful To The End


Esther 8 and Psalm 71 (NIV)

(Loke Ai Mei, Pastoral Team Member, Christian Outreach and Social Concerns)


Psalm 71 (NIV)


This is a Psalm written by someone of old age and in the last laps of his time on earth. The Psalmist expresses his troubles, struggles with his enemies and at the same time a confident trust in God the deliverer. He has been walking with the Lord and learning from Him since his days of youth. Now that he is older, he continues to be faithful in his walk, declaring God’s wonderful works and strength to the other generations.

He starts the Psalm with words of resounding trust in God, who is his refuge. It is “In You”, in God alone that he depends on for protection and safety from the enemies. He is weak, but God is strong. He is trapped by the wickedness and unrighteous acts of others but he knows for certain that God, his rock and fortress, will vindicate and rescue him.


“In You, Lord, I have taken refuge” (v1, NRSV)

In times of affliction, the Psalmist’s first expression is that of confidence in the Lord’s protection and deliverance. When I encounter difficult trials and trying situations in my life, I would like to be able to do likewise and my first reaction should be “In You”. In God, do I place all my hope and to surrender all things to God, my rock, refuge and strength. I have to trust that God in His righteousness will vindicate me and “In You” means it is not about me taking matters into my own hands to turn situations around. It is a genuine surrender that in His time and in His ways, God will work things out for good for those who love Him.

“For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.” (v5, NRSV)

“O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.” (v.17-18, NRSV)

The writer is advanced in age and he has had the privilege of walking and learning from God since his days of youth. He has stories to share with the younger generation of God’s mighty works in his life as he has stayed faithful to God all these years. Some of us have come to know Christ from a young age, perhaps because our parents or grand-parents are Christians. We have embraced the faith and the prayer is that we too will be faithful to the end. We should translate our experiences with God, His provision and faithfulness in our lives into stories for the younger generation so they too can grow in faith and trust as they listen to God’s marvellous works.


“In You” – to make a conscious effort to rely first on God and not myself or man’s knowledge and wisdom in difficult times.

To be faithful to the end, I need to make a conscious effort to walk faithfully with God, to practise the spiritual disciplines, to be in a community of believers for accountability and support. I will also reflect on God’s faithfulness, to keep the discipline of journaling so I can recount God’s goodness and testify to others when the opportunity arises.


In You, oh God, I seek to place my absolute faith and trust. Take me into a fresh and deeper relationship with You each new day that I will follow You all the days of my life. I choose, oh God, to stay faithful to the end. During dark times in my life, give me the strength, the peace and the assurance that Your ways are higher and You are my refuge and deliverer. Use my life to be a testimony of Your goodness and mercy so that others too may grow in faith and love as they hear of Your loving kindness. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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