4 November 2022 – Turn To God’s Word

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 4th November 2022


Galatians 4 and Psalm 94 (NIV)

Turn To God’s Word


Galatians 4 and Psalm 94 (NIV)

(Alex Lai, Associate Lay Leader)


Psalm 94 (NIV)

Psalm 94:12

Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord, the one you teach from your law.

Psalm 94:19

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.



Psalm 94 is a cry to God for help as the Israelites were suffering from oppression by the wicked. Likewise, when we are going through challenges in our lives, we too cry out to God for help. However, when our prayers are not answered, we begin to doubt God and we think that either God does not see or God does not care (v7). The psalmist reminds us in v9 that how can our God who gave us ears to hear and eyes to see not hear about our plight and not see our suffering?


The Bible says in Proverbs 3:11-12, Job 5:17 and Hebrews 12:6 that the Lord disciplines those He loves. As such, we are not to resent or despise the times when He disciplines us. The psalmist points out the need for us to find blessings in the storms of our lives. When we are going through hard times, we become more reliant on God and more diligent to follow His instructions. Learning God’s law gives us relief and inner peace in the midst of adversity (v13). We are moulded by God to become more resilient in our faith. We become more deeply rooted in Christ to weather the storms of our lives.


God not only gives us His word to carry us through our trials; He also gives us trials to open our eyes to His word. When the storms come, when our plans fall apart, when we are in the valleys of our lives, God’s word gives us strength and hope. As the psalmist says in v19, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” We can find consolation and encouragement in God’s word. The Bible assures us in Psalm 37:23-24 that “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”


When we are going through hard times, we need to put our trust in the Lord, the author and perfecter of our faith. We need to make it a point to walk in Him. We need to practise Scriptural Obedience by immersing ourselves in His word daily. Psalm 1:2-3 says “But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” Even in tough seasons of our lives, we can continue to bear fruit.


1.   When I am disciplined by the Lord, I will turn to God’s word for instructions.
2.   When I am going through storms in my life, I will turn to God’s word for consolation.


Dear God, I thank You for Your word that instructs me and consoles me. I pray that I will be rooted in Your word to absorb truth and life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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