30 November 2022 – Warning Against Idleness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 30th November 2022


2 Thessalonians 3 and Psalm 118 (NIV)

Warning Against Idleness


2 Thessalonians 3 and Psalm 118 (NIV)

(Estella Lau, D&N Comms and Publicity; Chairperson SHAPE)


2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 (NIV)


The church in Thessalonica was an infant church in Macedonia who faced persecution from their Roman masters and secular society. The Thessalonians remained faithful in the midst of their suffering, placing their hope in the day of Christ’s return when they will be vindicated. Whilst their faith and hope in the day of the Lord was well placed, the Thessalonians’ eager anticipation of Christ’s return resulted in misunderstandings. Some people quit their jobs and ignored domestic duties to wait for Jesus’ coming, others spent their time in idle, disruptive talk and speculation about when Christ will return, freeloading on other people’s hospitality.

Paul pointed out that such behaviours are not in line with God’s expectations. Faith in Jesus who has come and will come again requires the believer to work diligently. Paul is single-minded about what we are to work for — “that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured…” (2 Thessalonians 3:1). There is an urgency for believers to bring the gospel to people who have yet to know Christ. Paul emphasised that those who are able should work so as not to be a burden to others (2 Thessalonians 3:7-8), but to help the old, the sick and the vulnerable. He led by example by earning his keep as a tentmaker even though as an apostle, he was entitled to financial support from the church.


As disciples of Christ, what should we do on this side of eternity whilst waiting for the Lord’s return? Paul says we are to be busy, but not busybodies (3:11) indulging in idle talk and gossip. Paul was motivated by love when encouraging people to work – so as not to be a burden to others. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “Work” as “to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity”. “Work” is definitely more than just a job that we do for a living — whether we are young and able-bodied or old and retired, we are to work diligently for the Lord.

God may have different assignments for us in the various seasons of our lives, but the purpose of our work remains the same, that is, we are to be the gospel of Christ wherever He has placed us. For a grandmother looking after her grandchild at home, God’s work for her could be to disciple the child in the ways of the Lord; for someone employed in the marketplace, whilst his job is to achieve the organisation’s KPIs, God’s work for him could be to demonstrate Christ’s servant-leadership in his workplace.


I need to emulate the single-mindedness of Paul and use the time God has given me productively to do His Kingdom work. Being in a full-time job is not an excuse to de-prioritise ministry work — Paul laboured tirelessly, juggling his professional as well as his pastoral responsibilities. As a servant of Jesus, my job is to do my Master’s will. I will endeavour not to be idle, but be diligent in being grounded in His Word, in the practice of spiritual disciplines and in service to others.


You are my God, and I will praise You; You are my God, and I will exalt You. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:28-29)

I give You thanks, Lord, for Your salvation and the marvellous things You have done in my life. Direct my heart into Your love and Christ’s perseverance so that I will tirelessly proclaim what You have done. Help me discern the work You have me do, and grant me strength that I never tire of doing what is good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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