3 August 2022 – The Light In The Darkness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 3rd August 2022

The Light In The Darkness


Jeremiah 2:30-37; Jeremiah 3:1-5; Psalm 3 (NIV)

(Madeleine Foo, Pastoral Care Zone 9 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Jeremiah 2:30-37; Jeremiah 3:1-5; Psalm 3 (NIV)


The people of Judah were not God fearing and continued with their evil ways. They killed the prophets who brought God’s word to them and the blood of the innocents were found on their clothes. They did not heed corrections nor disciplines. They continued with their spiritual adultery with foreign gods on the high mountains. They were blatant and claimed that they had not sinned and did not need God.

The Lord said that He would punish them for their waywardness and rain would be withheld affecting their crops and harvest, their livelihood.

In times of trouble they would call out to the Lord “My Father, my friend from my youth, will you always be angry? Will your wrath continue forever?” (3:4-5) There was no true repentance as the Lord said, “This is how you talk, but you do all the evil you can.” (3:5b)

The people of Judah trusted in their allies Egypt and Assyria which let them down instead of trusting in God. Though the people were unfaithful, yet the Lord was hoping they would repent and return to Him (3:1)

In contrast, we can see King David’s unwavering faith and trust in God when he was fleeing from his son Absalom, in Psalm 3.  Though many were taunting him and said that God would not deliver Him, David did not waver.  He did not trust in horses nor chariots, but he trusted in the name of the Lord (Psalm 20:7).  David claimed the Lord to be his shield, his sustainer and deliverer.  The Lord honoured David’s faith and delivered him.


Very often we court troubles when we go our own ways and did not seek godly counsel nor pray for godly wisdom and discernment.

Our God is a very patient God who longs for His wayward children to return to Him and bask in His blessings.

I often wonder at the love, mercy and forgiveness of our long-suffering God who gives me many chances.  This knowledge is too wonderful for me.  I must not grieve the Holy Spirit by insisting on going my own ways but seek the Lord for guidance & wisdom each day.


To have a grateful heart and thank the Lord for His blessings great or small, for watching over me and guiding me in this pilgrimage on earth.

At the end of each day, to do a self-check and see if I have sinned against God in word, deed or thought and ask for forgiveness.

To continue to walk close to the Lord and grow in Christlikeness through the daily reading of His Word for guidance.


God of grace and Lord of wonder, thank you for watching over me each day. When I confess my sins, you forgive and purify me from all unrighteousness and nail my sins on the cross. May I always have a grateful heart to follow the light that shines in the darkness and not be lured by the ways of the world.  In Jesus’ most precious name I pray. Amen!

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