27 April 2022 – Overcoming Testing Times

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 27th April 2022


Esther 2:19-23 and Psalm 63 (NIV)

Overcoming Testing Times


Esther 2:19-23 and Psalm 63 (NIV)

(Giam Lay Hoon, DISCIPLE Facilitator, Discipleship & Nurture)


Psalm 63 (NIV)


This is a Psalm of David, in the wilderness, fleeing from the rebellion against his kingship led by his son Absalom.

Verse 1 – David declares God is his God, and desiring, thirsting and longing to worship Him, even though in a dry and desolate place.

Verse 2 – In his exile, David is separated from his usual place of worship in the temple.  Nevertheless, in his eye and mind, he continues to see and feel the full power and glory of God.

Verses 3-4 – David declares God’s steadfastness is better than life and lifts his hands, directing his prayers, praise and worship towards God.

Verses 5-8 – Even in a calamitous situation, David says that he is satiated as if with fat and rich food, when he praises and meditates on God, even into the sleepless night, because he is able to recall the cover of God’s protection throughout his life, as he holds fast to God.

Verses 9-11 – David speaks with confidence of the failure of the rebellion against God’s chosen king, and the restoration of his kingship and the faithful followers of God.


Praise and Worship even in bad times

For me this reading teaches that it is not only possible, but in fact crucial to have an active and complete faith in God and his plans for me. In a life-or-death situation, am I also able to, like David, continue to fervently praise and worship God? The only way to do so is to remember that God has always been with me in the first place, through the valleys of my life. Scripture tells me that overcoming the testing times creates in me steadfastness in the knowledge of God’s faithfulness. (James 1:2-3). Like David, I would wish to enjoy the fruits of peace and righteousness that come after the transitional pain of testing and discipline. God plans the paths for my feet to walk with confidence thereafter, fearing none of the surrounding evil.

Peace beyond human understanding

There is an inner peace surpassing all human understanding in David. The lesson for me is that joy and peace is not merely experiential and dependent on positive circumstances. Even when his kingdom fell apart, David’s love for God did not falter, and he could say, “My mouth will praise you with joyful lips”.

A childhood song tells me that when Christ is in the vessel with me, I can smile at the storm. Likewise, when David was assured of God’s cover under His wing, and uplifted by His right hand he was able to sing for joy even when fleeing murderers.  That happens when God is my inner strength.

Perspective for the long term

As a lawyer, I used to often face suggestions that justice can be sought by “Just Sue Him In Court!” 

In many situations of family tussles, there have been instances of seeking reparation through lawsuits, aggressive and adversarial communication, and mounting scheming countermoves. These are always draining and damaging.

But the example of David was not one of getting even. On the contrary, David believed that God is faithful and just, and the wicked would not prevail or succeed in thwarting God’s plans. David focused on making sure he continued to rejoice in God and complete the work of God’s calling in him, as king.

All that God wanted to accomplish in and through David, His will would be done. With God’s help, David would face all crises and emerge stronger, and be known as an essential part of salvation history.


It is always a matter of the head to do the things that I know I ought to do; it is a matter of the heart to sincerely experience and encounter God in every situation of my life by the following:
– Read His Word daily.

– Do not turn down the privilege of serving where God calls.

– Declare and testify to God’s faithfulness.

– Know that negative circumstances are guaranteed in a fallen world and acknowledge that Jesus has already overcome the world.


Dear Lord, 

Draw me close to You, content in the knowledge that I may receive Your Joy and Peace. Cover me under Your wing and hold me in Your right hand. Teach me to live in Your perfect will, and may I never pull away from the difficult paths I am to walk and the race I am to run.

Give to me the confidence that I can find contentment in all my circumstances and never yearn for anything that is not within Your will.

Grant to me a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude for every instance of kindness and grace, and strength for a weary body or spirit, at all times living a life that allows my joy and faith in You to shine.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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