25 February 2023 – Salt And Light

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 25th February 2023


Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

Salt And Light

LENT 2023 | DAY 4

Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

(Lucas Chow, Steward, LCEC)


Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)


For many years I did not consider Matthew 5:13-16 applicable to me. How can someone like me be “the light of the world” and shine before others so people may glorify our Father in heaven?  

Although I considered myself an “ok Christian” since I go to church every week, read the Bible daily, tithe as I should and have facilitated DISCIPLE classes every Monday for a very long time, I hesitated to share my faith publicly. The excuse of not being knowledgeable enough about the Bible coupled with the fear of embarrassment and rejection kept me from openly sharing my testimony. 

All these changed when I was invited to share my experience and challenges as a Christian in the marketplace at the Love Singapore Summit in January 2015. The event was attended by hundreds of pastors and church leaders. I was very reluctant to do it but with much prayer and encouragement from everyone, I stood on stage and told my story to a large audience. 

What happened after the Summit surprised me. Firstly, I felt a burden lifted off my shoulders. Secondly, I was invited to tell my story in many churches thereafter. And thirdly, I was asked to be video-taped and share my story on social media. 

You may ask what made me change from being apprehensive in sharing my faith to one that would speak boldly of God’s faithfulness? The breakthrough came when I learned that I don’t need to be a theologian to share Jesus with others. I just need to be willing to be His instrument, be truthful in telling others about the God that I know and share what He has done in my life. I also learned not to rely on my own ability and understanding but trust God to lead me. Afterall, it is not about me but about God. 


1.   Do you struggle to share your story, your testimony?

2.   What’s holding you back?  

3.   How can you overcome it?

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