22 June 2023 – Not 911 But Psalm 119

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 22nd June 2023


Hosea 5 and Psalm 119:65-96 (NIV)

– Not 911 But Psalm 119


Hosea 5 and Psalm 119:65-96 (NIV)

(Yeo Su Chen, Chairperson, Communications Ministry)


Psalm 119:65-96 (NIV)


911 is the emergency telephone number for many countries. It is also associated with the tragedy of the World Trade Centre in New York on 11 September 2001. Therefore, 911 often triggers a sense of worry, fear and danger.

Chapter 119 of the Psalms is the exact opposite of 911. It brings joy, comfort, healing, assurance, praise, thanksgiving, exhortation, and promise. It is easy to see why my favourite chapter in the book is also known as the ‘Mount Everest of the Psalms’.

Throughout this passage, the Psalmist, likely King David, is filled with thanksgiving, praise and adoration for what God has done in his life. He is also full of hope in the Lord, trusting that God’s discipline, commands, and instructions are best for him. He even proclaims that his suffering is good for him (v71) as it brings the Psalmist back to God’s decrees. The Psalmist also takes hope in God’s promises and commits to never forgetting God’s commandments.

The characteristics of God in this passage can be summed up as follows:

Abiding: Our God and His word abide forever. He made and created us (v73), his eternal word stands firm in eternity, and His faithfulness extends to every generation (v90). His Word, love and faithfulness to us are enduring and everlasting. 

Benevolent: I am just one of His creatures. Yet, God’s kindness and mercies surround me “so that I may live” (v77). His kindness and mercies are tender, and the Lord has done “many good things for me” (v65) just as He has promised in His word. 

Constant: My God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Many have lived and perished, nations have risen and fallen, and civilisations have come and gone. But God’s statutes remain true to this day. His eternal Word stands firm in heaven and His faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth He created (v89-91). His Word still heals, calms, guides, protects, and directs today as it did over 2000 years ago.

Dependable: I trust a dependable God because His Word has withstood the test of time, and He is good and does only good (v68). History has shown us that His grace and faithfulness are what I can depend on to get through life, no matter how dire my situation is. 


This passage speaks to me of our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness, grace, mercy and love. Through this passage, I can learn from the Psalmist how to express my joy and appreciation to God, draw hope in despair, comfort in sadness, assurance in precarious and uncertain moments, and the ability to give thanks to God in all circumstances. 


I will draw on this Psalm to remember that I must always thank the Lord no matter my circumstances, for He alone deserves all my praise and worship.

I will recall this Psalm when the things of this world worry or overwhelm me.I will find hope in His word.

I will memorise parts of this Psalm so that His Word can be engraved upon my heart to remember His unfailing love, to obey His decrees and laws, and to walk in His way rather than my own. 


Lord Jesus, thank you for Your living Word in Psalm 119. Thank you for Your love letter to me in this Psalm. When I am down, this Psalm lifts me up, and when I feel unworthy and unloved, this Psalm helps me recall your deep love for me. Help me to always give thanks to You like the Psalmist and remember that You are an abiding, benevolent, constant and dependable Father whom I can call upon no matter how difficult my circumstances are. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 

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