22 April 2022 – What Is The Condition Of My Heart?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 22nd April 2022


Matthew 13:1-23 (NIV)

What Is The Condition Of My Heart?


Matthew 13:1-23 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Steward, LCEC)


Matthew 13:1-23 (NIV)


The parable of the Sower is about the different types of ground or soil the seed falls on.

The seed that falls on the hard path will not germinate at all, while the seed that falls on the rocky ground grows into a feeble plant that does not survive for long because it does not have roots. The seed that falls among thorns grows, but will not thrive in the end because the plant gets choked. Only the seed that is sown on good soil grows into a plant that produces a crop.  

Jesus explains the parable to His disciples. The Sower is Jesus, and the seed is the word of God. The ground or soil is the condition of our heart. If our heart is hardened and unbelieving, it will not receive God’s word at all. If our heart is rocky and does not allow God’s word to take root, our understanding is superficial and we will fall away when being tested with trials. If our heart is preoccupied with worries and distractions of this world, we will not be able to apply God’s word that leads to a fulfilling and fruitful life. Only when our heart is set apart to receive and apply God’s word in all areas of our lives can we bear much fruit.   


As I read this passage, I am reminded that I have to intentionally set my heart apart for God’s word to be my motivation and my guide in determining all that I do. Otherwise, I will not be able to experience the abundant (fulfilling and fruitful) life that God has promised me in Christ. What does it mean for me to intentionally set my heart apart for God’s word?

Firstly, I must be truly convicted that the word of God should govern how I live my life. This may not come naturally. I have to intentionally and diligently spend time reading and studying God’s Word to allow it to take root in my heart (that is, not just knowing in my head, but believing in my heart). Secondly, I have to intentionally surrender my worries to God and remove distractions in my life. I need to be honest with myself and allow the Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and strength in order to do this.    


I have always enjoyed reading and studying God’s word. In the years I have been participating in Precept Upon Precept Bible studies, it has deepened my understanding and conviction of biblical principles upon which I develop personal values, make decisions, and relate to people. As I commit to serve God more and more, I had contemplated stopping my Precept studies in order to free up more time. Today’s BRD reflection reminded me that spending time in digging deep into God’s word should not be sacrificed even for the sake of God’s kingdom work. My wisdom and strength in serving God has to come from my time spent with Him and His word.

When I attended the Companions in Christ course 2 years ago, I learned various spiritual disciplines including examen and daily reflections. I will continue these practices so that I may be constantly aware of the condition of my heart and how I have responded to each day’s concerns, both struggles and successes. I also look forward to attending one of the Strangely Warmed Retreats in 2022 as an extended time of listening to God, listening to my heart, and listening to fellow Wesleyans.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me Jesus your living Word. As I seek to intentionally set my heart apart for you through spending time on your Word and reflecting on the condition of my heart, may your Spirit renew my mind, circumcise my heart and bless the work of my hands in bearing lasting fruit for you. I want to be your good and faithful servant. With my own strength, it will be difficult, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I know my life can be transformed. Help me in my journey of intentional discipleship. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!   

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