21 May 2022 – Spirit-led Boldness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 21st May 2022


Acts 4:1-22 and Psalm 86 (NIV)

Spirit-led Boldness


Acts 4:1-22 and Psalm 86 (NIV)

(Phoebe Yee, Missionary Associate)


Acts 4:1-22 and Psalm 86 (NIV)


After reading these two passages, it seems inevitable that those who follow the way and teachings of God will surely be opposed. 

As David prayed in Psalm 86, he recognised the presence of insolent, ruthless and godless men who had risen up against him, even seeking to kill him (v14)! 

In Acts 4, when Peter and John preached about the power and salvation of the resurrected Christ, they faced opposition from the Jewish religious leaders. What they experienced seems to be a re-enactment of what Jesus Christ went through, where he was arrested and put on trial before Annas and Caiaphas (John 18:13-14). Peter and John might have thought in their minds that they would face the same fate as their Lord Jesus. However, the Holy Spirit emboldened Peter to speak the truth about Christ.

Despite the oppositions, David, Peter and John had a big view of who God is. As David prayed, he acknowledged the lordship of God over all the nations – God is the Creator of the nations which have been made to come before Him in worship (v9). David himself had experienced the greatness of God through His salvation, mercy, grace, love and faithfulness. Peter and John had a similar understanding of who God is – He is the One who had the power to raise Christ from the dead – something very unthinkable not only during those times, but even today! They themselves had witnessed the resurrection of Christ their Lord!


Every time I hear stories of persecution against Christians in restricted or closed nations, I ask myself if I will step up in boldness and be ready to forsake my life in order to declare Him. When I was serving in Thailand, there were many instances when I faced resistance from people when talking about the Christian faith. Being the only Christian in a family that follows another faith, I always struggle to share boldly about Christ to my family members. 

God is indeed the King of all nations, even when it is challenging to recognise this in a world which is not fully accepting Him. Do I have a big view of who God is? Have I truly experienced the resurrected Christ in my heart and do I have the faith to share about Him in my interactions with others despite opposition?


I want to continually remember God’s greatness and sovereignty over the salvation of those who do not yet know Him. I want to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to reach out to someone even when I know that he/she is not open to the Gospel. God saves and is able to work through me.


Dear Heavenly Father, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Lord of all nations, I thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross, and for bringing Him back to life. I am sorry for the times when Your Spirit prompted me to speak about You but I cowered in fear, hesitated or chose to do nothing. Help me to deeply appreciate Your resurrection power and send me opportunities to speak boldly about Your truth as the Holy Spirit leads me. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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