17 November 2023 – Refreshing As Dew

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 17th November 2023


Deuteronomy 1 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

Refreshing As Dew


Deuteronomy 1 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

(Belinda Foo, PTM, Prayer and Praise)


The verses that caught my attention were: 

Psalm 110:3b “… from the womb of the dawn You will receive the dew of your youth.”

Psalm 110:7 “He will drink from a brook beside the way; therefore he will lift up his head.”


The above are blessings that renew and refresh and hence give life. 


One should never live without hope. And that hope is the resurrected Christ, the one whose light is brighter than all darkness, whose love is better than all the troubles faced in life. 

I am reminded of the last Supper where Jesus washed His disciples’ feet and served communion to the Twelve. He continued to commune with them despite the challenging and fateful times ahead. Jesus’ reinstatement of Peter shows us that denying the faith, failing or being defeated are not to be taken as final. Contrast this to Judas’ betrayal, where he is riddled with shame and guilt and takes his own life.

In this I take courage, that Jesus continues to be the light in our community. He is the one hope, like the morning dew that continues to refresh us as we continue to ask, seek and knock on His door to commune with Him. 

October is mental health awareness month and I pray that those who go through bouts of depression will be healed and restored like dew, a lingering refreshment in the morning, by Jesus. May He continue to commune with them despite enemies within and without, remaining ever faithful to birth the fruitfulness of life. I pray for a renewal of minds, for healing and deliverance to temper the restless soul, and wholeness to come in the Spirit. May spirit, soul and body yield to His will, knowing that He cares for us, and that He continues to bless us though the power of His blood. May we continue to forge ahead, surging forward to a future of the resurrection hope. 


I will seek His Word daily to keep my focus on Jesus. Filled with promises of an overflowing hope, I will not give way to fear. I ask to remember that the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse my conscience from acts that lead to death, so that I may continue to serve the living God (Hebrews 9:14).


Merciful God, thank You for the tough times that help to renew me. May You continue to be the Shepherd and Overseer of my soul, to give me a hope and a future. Amen.

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