17 November 2022 – Remembering God’s Faithfulness

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 17th November 2022


Philippians 3 and Psalm 105:23-45 (NIV)

Remembering God’s Faithfulness


Philippians 3 and Psalm 105:23-45 (NIV)

(Andrew Tong, Zone 1 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Philippians 3 and Psalm 105:23-45 (NIV)


The above Psalm tells in brief of how Israel (Jacob) entered Egypt as a stranger, how God blessed them till they became too mighty for their hosts, and how God forced Pharaoh to let Israel leave persecution in Egypt in a miraculous manner.  It also tells of how God remembered His promise to Abraham and brought Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land. He did this so they would obey Him through the generations. It’s a psalm about God’s faithfulness. God’s faithfulness to Israel can never be forgotten as it is recorded in history, in Jewish/Christian scripture. In the difficult times, when things look bleak, when the situation seems hopeless, Israel can remember God’s faithfulness and trust that God will see them through whatever difficulty they face.

Philippians 3:18 strikes me as it speaks of Paul shedding tears as he shares about those who are “enemies of the cross of Christ”.


What about me?  What is my experience with God?  What do I hold onto when life becomes difficult? Do I recall the times God was faithful where I was rebellious?  Do I remember how he blessed me beyond what I deserve?

Do I care enough for pre-believers to “shed tears” for them?  


Start a journal.  Write down my experiences, my journey with GodEnd each day, remembering God’s faithfulness with a heart of thanksgiving.  

I will be more earnest in praying for my pre-believing friends and be more intentional in building closer relationships with them in the hope of bringing them to Christ.


Dear Lord, give me a heart for your people.  Teach me to shed tears for my pre-believing friends and trusting that You will bring Your plan to completion. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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