16 April 2022 – Would I Abandon Christ Too If I Was There?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 16th April 2022


Matthew 27:57-66 (NIV)

Would I Abandon Christ Too If I Was There?

LENT 2022 | DAY 40

Matthew 27:57-66 (NIV)

(Alvin Chia, Associate Lay Leader)


Matthew 27:57-66 (NIV)


In the short passage, we were told:
1) A rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, a disciple of Jesus, went to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body after his death. When granted the request, he took the body, wrapped in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance and went away; and

2) Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, were sitting opposite the tomb. 


I am drawn to the 3 characters in the passage – Joseph from Arimathea, Mary Magdalene and Mary – that featured and remained around Christ after his death. The rest of the 11 disciples and followers of Christ were nowhere in sight or mentioned. Presumably, they had fled and abandoned the Lord, plausibly fearing for their safety if caught.

I can imagine the emotional roller coaster experienced by the disciples. The fear, sense of loss, sadness, disillusionment and doubts even though many of them had been close to the Lord in his 3 years on earth. I cannot help but ask myself, what would I have done if I was there. Would I likewise have fled? Or would I have had the courage to be faithful till the end? Would I have had the courage to approach Pilate for the body of Christ? Or be like Mary Magdalene and Mary, to stay close and continue to look for opportunities to care for His needs? More pertinently, would I abandon Christ when under persecution or danger? 

I reflected and conceded that my response is a measurement of the depth of my love for Christ. I would die for my family if needed because of my love for them. Would I do likewise for Christ? In this season of Lent, it is a time for me to reflect on and ponder these hard questions. And to reflect on the question that Christ asked Peter, “Do you love me?” / “Do you love me more than these?”


The key message of this passage is to remind me of my first love for the Lord. I want to live for Christ in all that I do. Life will be filled with challenges. I will constantly fix my eyes on Christ (like Mary Magdalene and Mary) and wait patiently through the painful period of Friday and Saturday, for the hope of the risen Christ on Easter Sunday.

As an intentional disciple, I will commit and learn to deny myself, and take up the Cross to follow Christ daily. May the Lord grant me the strength and grace to remain faithful till the end.


Father Lord, I am sorry for the occasions where I have denied and abandoned You. Please forgive me. Thank You for Your love and grace that never fail. Would You please grant me Your help to live my life in a way that will honour and please You. Help me to choose obedience, to deny myself, and to do Your will and follow You all the days of my life. Thank You for what You did on the cross for me. Thank You for the hope of Your resurrection. I love You Lord, my risen Saviour. In Your most holy name, I pray. Amen. 

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