Stand Firm Till The End
LENT 2022 | DAY 12
Matthew 10:16-42 (NIV)
(Madeleine Foo, Pastoral Care Zone 9 Leader, Small Group Ministry)
Matthew 10:16-42 (NIV)
The Lord is forewarning his twelve disciples that there will be much danger and persecution after his death and resurrection when they go out to proclaim the good news about the Kingdom of God and perform miracles.
Jesus tells the disciples to expect the same treatment that he himself has received: rejections, ridicules and persecution, for a student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. They are to be wise (shrewd as snakes) and yet humble (innocent as doves) when they encounter oppositions. When persecution comes, they are to flee to another place. In Acts 8, the church in Jerusalem was persecuted. The gospel message was preached far and wide wherever the believers were scattered.
Jesus tells them not to fear when they are brought before kings and Gentiles as the Holy Spirit will speak through them. In Acts 4, the Holy Spirit was upon Peter when he gave his defence before the Sanhedrin. Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit when he addressed the Sanhedrin before he was stoned to death in Acts 7. Similarly, when Paul stood before King Agrippa in Acts 26, he gave a powerful message about his conversion from a persecutor to a proclaimer of the gospel.
Jesus foretells that the message of Christ will bring much division and conflict for those who accept and those who reject the gospel. Even in families there will be bitter betrayal and persecution. Persecution for our faith and the message of hope will continue till the return of Christ. The Lord encourages us to stand firm to the end for we will be saved.
Those who acknowledge Jesus before men, Christ will acknowledge them before God the Father. But whoever denies him before men, he will also disown them before our Father in heaven. This is a sobering thought.
When faced with persecution for my faith and proclaiming the message of Christ, I am to regard it as an honour. For if my Lord is persecuted, why would I be exempted?
To be assured by the word of Jesus not to fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul, but to fear God who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
To have the assurance that I am precious in God’s eyes for He even knows the number of hairs on my head.
Pray for courage and boldness for brothers and sisters in the Lord facing persecution and martyrdom especially those in Creative Access Nations.
Encourage fellow pilgrims on the same journey to stand firm in the faith.
Be rooted in God’s word so that when troubles come, I will be able to stand firm.
Almighty God, we pray the words from the song “Facing a Task Unfinished” by Keith and Kristyn Getty:
“We bear the torch that flaming
Fell from the hands of those
Who gave their lives proclaiming
That Jesus died and rose
Ours is the same commission
The same glad message ours
Fired by the same ambition
To Thee we yield our powers.
We go to all the world
With kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ the Lord”
May this be our heartfelt prayer we pray. In Jesus’ most precious name. Amen.