15 March 2023 – God And Money

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 15th March 2023


Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

God And Money

LENT 2023 | DAY 19

Matthew 6:24 (NIV)

(Philip Oh, Chairperson, Pastor-Parish Relations Committee)


Matthew 6:24 (NIV)


Every time I read this familiar passage, I am struck by how black and white it is. It emphasises one or the other. Not both!

As I observe the different phases of my life and whether I served God or money at each phase, I am reminded of a loving God that has always been there for me and my family.  In my earlier days in England, I was driven by the corporate ladder – working to get the next promotion or a bigger bonus. Even when I did not acknowledge Him, God was there – He had my back. At times I was too busy raising kids and not going to church or acknowledging God in my life, but with hindsight God was there – He had my back.

One pivotal moment in my Christian life after my return to Singapore was when a junior pastor named Stanley Chua invited me to join a DISCIPLE 1 Class of 2002.  As a Regional Director in HP with many demands placed on me, I struggled with the daily commitment to read the Bible, to journal, and to attend the physical class on Monday evenings. My business travel schedule just did not allow it. But I joined the class.

To cut a long story short, I realised that when I put God first, He honoured my commitment to join the class and everything from that decision flowed positively to impact my life to this day, and my service to my Lord and God. Being disciplined enabled me to increasingly put God first, no matter the circumstances, so I am able to serve my church, grow my faith and trust God like never before.

After more than 20 years, I can testify that the more I served Him, the more fulfilled I was and found Abba Father’s blessings flowing. My financial needs were always met, my service at Alpha Asia Pacific and as LCEC Chair, to name two callings of many, were fulfilling and rewarding. In addition, the shalom I enjoyed was palpable and evident. Praise God!


1.   Look back on your life thus far and share the time when God was most present in your life. Why?

2.   Are you able to pinpoint a phase in your life when God appeared to be unimportant or irrelevant in your daily life?

3.   Is there an area of your life where you need to place God first?

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