14 April 2022 – The Gift

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 14th April 2022


Matthew 27:1-32 (NIV)

The Gift

LENT 2022 | DAY 38

Matthew 27:1-32 (NIV)

(Adam Leong, Chairperson, Family Life Ministry)


Matthew 27:1-32 (NIV)


Matthew 27:26 – “Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.”

This is a beautiful picture of Christ’s redemptive work at Calvary. His substitutionary sacrifice for our sin. Jesus, though innocent (in fact He was perfect and sinless), suffered and died a painful, shameful death at the hands of His creation (sinful man) so that I can call God, abba Father.

However, the picture is not complete.

God’s salvation for me is like a gift which I need to receive. To receive this gift, I need to repent of my sin and look to Jesus as my Lord and Saviour daily for the rest of my life journey on earth. Trusting that by the power of the Holy Spirit I will be transformed, in my thinking, speaking, living … in my heart, transformed to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

It is the only thing that matters in this life, my relationship with Jesus. This will be the only time in my entire existence that I walk, as a redeemed sinner, with my creator on this side of heaven.


So what does a transforming life look like? Remember we are being transformed into Christ’s image day by day and it’s a life-time process. But the changes in my heart should still manifest in the way I live. For example, changes in my behaviour towards others should be different from before I knew Jesus. Have I become more forgiving towards others? Do I show more care and concern for others, especially those who are weak, frail or in need of encouragement? 

Am I being more Christ-like in my life?


One area I am always working on is to be humble as it is easy to be prideful, thinking that I am better than others and don’t need anyone, even God.

But God is gracious and merciful, because even when I fail, He has said that He will never leave me nor forsake me. However I need to be able to repent and return to Him.

What is your challenge in following Jesus? I would like to encourage you that we worship and serve a gracious and merciful God, full of love and compassion. We only need to repent and return to Him when we have failed and He will receive us, clean us up and point us in the right direction again.

Don’t give up, persevere.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ who died for me at Calvary. I am indeed so very blessed to have You, to know You and to be known by You. Even though sometimes in my life journey, I can make wrong choices or exhibit sinful behaviour, You are always there to receive me when I repent and return to You.

I pray that Your gentle Holy Spirit will always be my guide and grant me Your divine wisdom and strength to always stay close to You.

In Your Son’s most precious Name I pray, Amen.

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