12 December 2023 – Make A Choice – Life Or Death, Blessings Or Curses?

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 12th December 2023


Deuteronomy 30 and Psalm 132 (NIV)

Make A Choice – Life Or Death, Blessings Or Curses?


Deuteronomy 30 and Psalm 132 (NIV)

(Tony Tng, Steward)


Deuteronomy 30 (NLT)  


In this closing sermon, before  his death, Moses gave 2 choices to the Israelites: choose life and blessings or death and curses. To choose life is to obey God and His instructions leading to blessings. Conversely, continuing to sin will lead to death. In this short chapter, Moses  emphasised obedience by repeatedly using the word “obey” eight  times. To Moses it was important to obey God, not just to enjoy life and blessings but also as an example for  one’s descendants. The instruction to obey was not foreign. On the contrary, they had been constantly taught and reminded by Moses. I gathered that they knew these well and could even recite them. But obeying them wholeheartedly was a different matter, after all we have been told that the Israelites were  a stiff-necked people. In his final exaltation, Moses didn’t mince words and warned them to choose life and blessings for themselves and their children. He knew God is merciful to those who love and obey Him.


I am sure our pastors wondered if their effort in preparing sermons bear fruit in the hearts of Wesleyans or if they have gone to waste. I also wondered if our pastors find satisfaction after preaching their sermons each weekend. Like Moses, I am certain that they too have as their ultimate purpose to make us true disciples of Christ, for us to obey and live out the Word of God. Their sermons are not that much different from Moses’. Their greatest satisfaction must be knowing that the flock they shepherd have denied  themselves,  carried their cross and followed Jesus (Matthew 16:24).

At the end of each Sunday service, I tried to have 1 or 2  takeaways from the sermon. Then, I would try to put these into practice in the following week.  However, I must confess 2 things: I have not always been able to have  takeaways and when I do, I fail to obey them. When I don’t have takeaways, I try to reflect if I was distracted, or the sermon was too difficult (not clear would be too impolite). If I was unable  to put the teaching into practice, I shall  seek forgiveness and try harder the next time.  Why do I bother? Because the only reason I became a Christian is to have life eternal and Moses just hit the nail on the  head – I choose life and blessings.


Choosing to have life and blessings requires me to obey every word and instruction in the Bible which means  I  must be  focused to listen carefully to the pastors’ sermon. I must also obey these teachings daily.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the instructions of life that are written in the Bible for me. Help me to obey them all the time. In my weakness, I may falter and fail to obey at times. Forgive me and give me strength to persevere and keep on obeying, never giving up. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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