This year, our church theme will focus on Discipleship in Society. Wesley TIDINGS is delighted to introduce “Faith@Community”, a new monthly series for 2025 that explores the concept of “Everyday Christianity”. Everyday Christianity is about recognising that faith is not confined to the walls of our church. It is about living out our Christian values in every aspect of our daily lives – in our homes, workplaces, schools, neighbourhoods and communities.
Throughout the year, “Faith@Community” will share the stories of 12 inspiring individuals who are actively living out their faith through compassionate service, advocating for the marginalised and extending a helping hand to those in need. We hope their stories will challenge and inspire us to deepen our own discipleship and find ways to express our faith in practical, everyday actions.
Whether it is through acts of kindness, advocacy for justice or simply shining the light of Christ in your daily interactions, your story matters. Do you know someone quietly making a difference in their community? We want to hear their stories! If you have someone in mind (maybe even yourself!), please encourage them to reach out to us at tidings@wesleymc.org.
Wesley TIDINGS Team
For more information on the church theme this year, please go to:
In our bustling city, where the pursuit and optics of worldly success often take centre stage, it is easy to overlook the quiet acts of service behind the scenes that hold our community together. This new series, Everyday Christianity: Faith@Community, shines a spotlight on individuals within our church who embody the true spirit of Christian love by regularly serving others quietly in their unique ways. Through their stories, we will discover how faith translates into action, inspiring us all to live out our faith by serving others.
Meet Wan Yew Fai, a musician who cannot read music but uses his talents to bring comfort and joy to those in need. His journey of service began right here at Wesley, first with the Children’s Ministry and then with the Prison Ministry. His musical gifts have since led him far beyond our walls. From orphanages in Indonesia to hospital bedsides in Singapore, Yew Fai shares his musical gifts with a compassionate heart. Read his inspiring story in our first Everyday Christianity: Faith@Community feature.
Hi Yew Fai, we are excited to hear all about your music ministry to the community. Please share with us where your passion for music takes you.
It’s amazing how music can transcend barriers and touch hearts. Whether I’m leading worship in an orphanage or playing a comforting song by a hospital bed, I see the power of music to bring hope and healing.

I am currently actively involved with Restore Global Missions (RGM), an organisation that serves the poor, homeless and marginalised through online platforms in Southeast Asia. I also share my music with the sick, a passion ignited during my time with the Inspired Group, a ministry for cancer patients and survivors.

Currently, I lead the worship team at RGM, shepherded by Pastors Jason Ong and Judith Halim. It started off as an online service platform to bring the Word to many during the COVID period but has now evolved into a church scheduled to run physically in Jakarta from 28 December 2024.
I got to know the leaders of RGM in 2018 and 2021 when I was playing music for the Inspired Group during our monthly gatherings. Pastors Jason and Judith spoke at the meetings, but since I was the only one there who was neither a cancer patient or a caregiver, I didn’t speak much with them. By the second meeting, I had heard about their ministry and their restaurant, Olive Vine, at Marina Square. On 6 September 2021, God gave me a clear message to go and see Judith at Olive Vine that day. I was initially sceptical about hearing from God and had wanted to dismiss it because I was afraid Pastor Judith might think I was a crazy stalker. So, I went for my lunch appointment with another friend instead. After lunch, my friend asked me where I was going, and I shared with her the message I had heard from the Lord. She said to me, “Perhaps the Lord has sent me to remind you to go to Olive Vine”. Stunned, I took that as a reminder from God and reluctantly went to Olive Vine. There, I met Pastor Judith, who asked me how I knew that she was going to be at Olive Vine since she was usually at the restaurant about five times a month. I did not know how to respond, but after a brief conversation, I left the restaurant with a Zoom link to log in that coming Saturday to her ministry, RGM’s online service. From then on, I started to join the service and became a regular worship leader at RGM because I could speak both English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Was there a specific moment or event that solidified your commitment to serving others in this way?
One particularly moving experience occurred at an orphanage in Bogor, Indonesia. Though I was unprepared, I willingly led the children in worship. As I taught them How Great is Our God, the atmosphere shifted. Their pastor, Stefany, began to pray, and tears started streaming down the children’s faces. The Holy Spirit was at work, touching and healing their hearts. I was so overwhelmed that I started to sob too, right there while still playing my guitar. This experience solidified my commitment to serving others. Everyone in this world, even in poverty and plight, has dignity and is created and deeply loved by God. The children’s joy, despite having so little, was a powerful reminder that true riches are found in Christ. It was a glimpse of heaven, and I knew I had to keep strumming.
In what ways do you see God working through your efforts? How does your Christian faith inform your approach to this work?
Serving with my musical gifts is a way of being a good steward of God’s gifts. It’s often a simple act – bringing my guitar and singing – but it can have a profound impact on those I minister to. 1 Peter 4:10 (“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”) reminds us to use our gifts to serve one another. I’ve seen firsthand how God multiplies those efforts to bring comfort and healing.
What are some of the challenges you face in your serving in this area, and how do you overcome them?
Serving those who are suffering is not without its challenges. I recall our team visiting a stranger in 2019. Aunty Florence was a dying cancer patient. She had just accepted Christ, and her Dutch husband was upset because he thought we were wasting her precious last moments with “religious propaganda”. His frown greeted me when I arrived at her bedside at NUH. Ignoring him, I played a couple of Christian songs, but I soon realised Aunty Florence did not know any since she was a new Christian. I almost wanted to pack up my guitar and give up. But the Lord held me back. Looking at their age, I randomly decided to play a song from 1974, I Have to Say I Love You in a Song by Jim Croce. It turned out that was their favourite song as it reminded them of their courtship days. How could I have known that? It was all the work of God. The transformation was incredible. The couple held hands, with tears in their eyes, reliving a precious memory. This experience, and others like it, have taught me the importance of perseverance and faith, even in the face of doubt and discouragement. While it is always painful to witness suffering, I’m constantly inspired by the faith of those I serve. They teach me to praise God even in their last breath.
What brings you the most joy and fulfilment in your work?
I believe if we live our lives intentionally to glorify the Lord, we will experience His joy. For me, my joy is found in glorifying Him with music. Whether it’s building bonds through worship or seeing a smile on someone’s face, these moments bring me joy. And when I see how even the smallest act of service can bring so much happiness to others, it reminds me of God’s love at work and I forget all the inconveniences.

What are some ways that our church community can better support individuals who are engaged in similar work?
I would encourage everyone to step out in faith and use their gifts to serve others, in whatever small or big ways they can. There are countless needs in our community and around the world. Even if you can’t go in person, you can contribute financially or through prayer. Every act of service, big or small, can make a difference.
Your journey in serving the Lord has been so amazing. It sounds like all it takes is one guitar for you. What else would you like to share with our readers?
In September 2017, I said to the Lord, “I will wait for you to call me for each mission”. And wow! There have been so many calls from Him since then. In the process, the Lord has shown me so many things and brought me to so many places – even into prison – with just one guitar, for Him. I have only shared a fraction of the wonderful experiences the Lord has given to me. When I said ‘yes’ to His call, He opened doors I never could have imagined. All it takes is a willing heart to step out in faith. Serving the Lord has been the greatest adventure of my life. You can have this adventure too!
Photos and video footages courtesy of Wan Yew Fai
Read more about Yew Fai’s ministry here: How one woman’s cancer diagnosis uncorked a torrent of songs and a musical of comfort and love — Salt&Light
Read also: Faithful Servant, Steady Leader: Celebrating Felix Yeo’s 37 Years at Wesley Methodist Church