Walking with the Lost: David Tan’s Journey as a Volunteer with the Wesley Prison Ministry for Over a Decade

This year, our church theme focuses on Discipleship in Society. Wesley TIDINGS is delighted to introduce “Faith@Community”, a monthly series for 2025 that explores the concept of “Everyday Christianity”. Everyday Christianity is about recognising that faith is not confined to the walls of our church. It is about living out our Christian values in every aspect of our daily lives – in our homes, workplaces, schools, neighbourhoods and communities.

Throughout the year, “Faith@Community” will share the stories of 12 inspiring individuals who are actively living out their faith through compassionate service, advocating for the marginalised and extending a helping hand to those in need. We hope their stories will challenge and inspire us to deepen our own discipleship and find ways to express our faith in practical, everyday actions.

Whether it is through acts of kindness, advocacy for justice or simply shining the light of Christ in your daily interactions, your story matters. Do you know someone quietly making a difference in their community? We want to hear their stories! If you have someone in mind (maybe even yourself!), please encourage them to reach out to us at tidings@wesleymc.org.

Wesley TIDINGS Team

For more information on the church theme this year, please go to:

In this edition of Everyday Christianity: Faith@Community, we have the privilege of speaking with David Tan Teck Ming, a dedicated volunteer with Wesley Prison Ministry (WPM). David’s commitment to serving those often overlooked and forgotten is a powerful testament to the transformative power of faith in action. Join us as we delve into David’s experiences, motivations and the profound impact his work has had on the lives of those he serves.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with our readers, David. Please tell us more about your serving. What inspired you to get involved in this area?
I started serving in the Wesley Prison Ministry (WPM) under the Christian Outreach & Social Concerns (COSC) in 2013 after receiving God’s call to reach out to the least and often forgotten. I am inspired by God’s call to reach out to the least and lost. I am reminded to be God’s feet, bringing the good news to those in prison. I believe that if no one tells them about Jesus, how else can they believe in Him? The message of forgiveness, God’s love and faithfulness and the promise of a new life filled with hope in Christ – these are important truths they must hear. As a forgiven sinner myself, I need to share this message of forgiveness with others who think they cannot be forgiven after failing their loved ones over and over again.

What is your involvement like in WPM?
I serve in the InCare programme. I go into Changi Prison one or two times per month for about two and a half hours to three hours to lead Chapel services, share God’s word, participate in worship and offer prayer support. WPM works closely with Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) to provide spiritual support and guidance to the inmates using PFS materials. I also encourage the brothers to contact WPM upon their release to help them stay connected to God’s family. For the Sunday Connect Fellowship Befriending Church Service, I attend church with brothers who are on programme in a halfway house and those who have completed their programme and been released. Usually, after the service, we join them for a simple lunch fellowship. We have a WhatsApp chat group with them where we can stay connected and pray alongside them whenever they have prayer requests.

Does WPM collaborate with any other organisations? And if so, do you help in those collaborations too?
WPM works closely with The Helping Hand (THH) and Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS). On request, I have shared God’s word at PFS and served at WPM’s Chinese New Year celebration held at THH.

Do you also serve in any other areas besides WPM?
Currently, I serve as a Group Leader at Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) on a yearly commitment basis for weekly Bible study. I was a Children’s Leader at BSF from 2011 to 2018. Additionally, I served in Wesley Children’s Ministry as a Sunday School Teacher from 1998 to 2003, and 2009 to 2017, and in Wesley Youth Ministry as a Group Leader.

David with fellow Wesley Prison Ministry volunteers outside Changi Prison during COVID-19. (L-R) Cecilia, Leroy, Joy and David

Can you share a specific story or anecdote that illustrates the impact of your work on an individual or the community?
I do not have a specific anecdote. But there have been a few occasions after sharing God’s word when the brothers would come forward to ask for prayers because the message touched their hearts. Other times, some brothers would ask about God’s word for clarification and again, the Holy Spirit stirred an inner desire for God within them. I recalled those times when some brothers were inspired by God’s message that they volunteered to stand in front of the other inmates to give their testimony of God’s love for them in their specific life’s struggles and worries and how they would like to change in obedience to God’s way of thinking and living.

How does your Christian faith inform your approach to your serving with WPM?
My faith in God needs to be experienced through my worship and service to my Lord and Saviour. Head knowledge of God must be experienced through heart transformation, both in myself and those I serve. There are many Biblical verses and stories that have inspired and guided me in my service, for example, John 10:10 reminds us about how we have allowed the evil one to come and steal our years and family’s joy due to the incarceration but our God can restore the lost years and blessings if we allow Him to come into our life once more. And John 2:1-11 reminds us that Jesus turned water into the best wine – which means that He can change us to be the ‘best He wants us to be’ – a blessing to our family, society and ourselves. So, everyone deserves God’s forgiveness and a chance to start over.

That is amazing, what you do at WPM. What are some of the challenges you face in your work, and how do you overcome them?
Currently, I serve in a group of inmates where I can only journey with them for a short time, and this makes it difficult to build rapport and relationships. But I tell myself that God’s word is key, and I always pray for God to use those few opportunities to sow His seeds. I am called to be faithful and surrender the challenges to Him.

What brings you the most joy and fulfilment in your work?
My Master’s joy and seeing His presence and glory through the sharing of God’s powerful word bring me the most joy. I also shared in my Father God’s joy whenever I saw the inmate brothers’ joy in their worship and their interest in God’s message shared. I appreciate the opportunity to serve with people like Brothers Arthur and Leroy and Sisters Joy and Wendy who share the same ministry calling, and God’s call which bonds me with them. I feel like I belong to the body of Christ.

David and Wendy with their three sons. (L-R) Isaac, David, Wendy, Caleb and Noah

In what ways do you see God working through your efforts?
I believe I am called to be faithful and trust in God’s Holy Spirit to fulfil His kingdom work in touching the hearts of those who hear His words, even though I may not see immediate or direct fruit.

How do you balance the demands of your ministry work with your personal life and faith practices?
Honestly, it does require personal sacrifice of time and effort. But I am reminded that I can never out give or sacrifice more than what Jesus Christ has done for me. Sharing my ministry work with my wife, children and friends helps them understand who I am and what I believe in, and I’m grateful for their support. The monthly commitment on Saturday and Sunday means sacrifices of family and personal time.

What practical advice would you give to someone who wants to make a difference in their community but doesn’t know where to start?
I would encourage those who wish to serve current and ex-offenders to earnestly spend time seeking God’s will on where and who He wants you to serve. God always answers. When He answers, pray for a heart of obedience.

You may find out more about Wesley Prison Ministry here.

Read also: Greening the Earth, Growing in Faith: Joline Tang’s Sustainability Journey

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