They Came For Prayers and Received Healing and Comfort

The Wesley Prayer and Healing Service was held on Wednesday 4 May 2022 over Zoom. With church members and guests attending the service, the pastors, pastoral staff, Mandarin Ministry (MM) and HIS (Healing Inmost Spirit) prayer leaders partnered to serve the church community in this corporate event.

It was a bilingual service, and Pastor Clement Ong led worship with English and Mandarin songs. Rev Raymond Fong preached fluently, switching from English to Mandarin, from the passage Mark 7: 24-30. The encouragement of multilingualism in Singapore has created a platform for the English and Mandarin congregations to experience this service together as a body of Christ.

The MM leaders stood in as prayer leaders for the Mandarin-speaking community. Rosalia Mahendran, Pastoral Team Member of Wesley Filipino Fellowship, stood in for the Filipino community.

Message from Mark 7:24-30
The passage was about a desperate Gentile mother pleading for the life of her little daughter who was possessed by an unclean spirit. Filled with anguish and deep love for her little child, she begged Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter. Her love, desperation and faith touched the Lord.

 “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”

 She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone.
(Mark 7:28-30)

The Gentile lady demonstrated the following:

  1. A relentless pursuit of God as she pleaded for her little daughter’s life.
  2. Her humble pleas to God were heard and healing took place because of them.
  3.  A faith-filled surrender to God was offered by this Gentile mother.

We are to pursue God, plead with Him and then surrender totally to Him.

True healing is recognizing that the faithfulness of God is larger than our need to see the proof or evidence.

Total attendance for the event was about 200. Some 48 participants received ministry and prayers. 

Here are some testimonies from the evening.

  1. A young man wrote that he was touched and ministered to. He shed tears after the prayers.
  2. RZ was relieved of her shoulder and back pain caused by her computer backpack.
  3. TL shared that her father’s abdominal discomfort settled after the prayers, and her mother was busy taking notes as a prayer leader prayed for her insomnia.
  4. A few participants stood in proxy for a loved one and felt God’s peace and comfort after the prayers.
  5. A lady struggling with laziness gave thanks that she is still employed. A change of attitude was noted as she sought God’s wisdom and guidance to mend her ways. 
  6. A few cases of anger and unforgiveness issues were also dealt with. 
  7. DN experienced relief from a persistent left-sided migraine that had been lingering for more than a week, which immediately dispelled after the healing service.
  8. S was depressed for two years after being falsely and repeatedly accused.  During the healing session, she was led to forgive the person by name and was released from the trauma, which had mentally crushed her for two years.  She was freed from this debilitating pain as the peace of God filled her heart.
  9. JC who had back surgery was in pain and had not been able to sleep since after the operation. Praising God, she slept very well that night following the prayers.
  10. K’s right knee was locked, giving her excruciating pain. After prayers, she was able to move her right knee and leg with ease.
  11. TC felt God telling her to seek and spend time with Him, and to not fear but trust Him to make things work for her.
  12.  V felt improvement after prayers for healing of her left leg. She also felt warmth on both palms during prayer.
  13. A lady who was Covid-19-positive experienced the peace and comfort of God following the prayers.
  14. Some participants felt called to spend more quiet time with the Lord.

Many came with physical ailments, cancer, fears, anxiety and stress, and committed them all to the Lord for relief, deliverance and healing.

Glory to our miracle-performing God, Yahweh.

By Audree Tan

Read also: Two Hearts Praying As One

About the Contributor

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