The Wesley Day of Prayer (WDOP) on 3 August 2024 was a deeply moving experience.
The WDOP was more than just an event. It was an inter-church movement where God’s people united to pray for the nation. Starting from July 1, 2024, a Bible verse-based reflection was shared by pastors from various churches in Singapore. During this period, Wesley Methodist Church’s (WMC) Telegram channel published LoveSingapore’s morning devotions at 6am daily, in place of the usual Bible Reading Drive.

As we gathered on WDOP, a sense of unity and shared purpose filled the sanctuary, reminding us of the power of collective prayer. Our silent yet sincere prayers for our congregation, community and world brought a renewed vision to reach out to the younger generation with fervour and loving-kindness. The symbolic act of worshipping in person and praying at physical sites was a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness, and the significance of shared sacred spaces.

It was heartwarming to see all our pastors supporting the congregation in WDOP. Their presence served as a testament to the spiritual guidance and divine anointing granted to the church. We were encouraged to revere God and cultivate fellowship with those in leadership roles, staff members and fellow believers.
Held in conjunction with LoveSingapore, a united movement motivated by love to fast and pray for 40 days annually for Singapore, Wesleyans were divided into nine groups to pray for different areas in and around the church. Led by the pastors, pastoral staff and ministry teams, and united in heart and spirit, the church sought to see God turn Singapore Godward.

The groups prayed in various locales, including the Civic District, the church, nearby buildings, theaters, places of worship, gardens, schools, and more. We prayed for our workers, seeking fairness and wisdom in Singapore’s judicial system, and advocating for compassion and hope for those who have strayed from the law. We also prayed for church members to uphold walls of love while remaining faithful in their walk with God, for the Arts community, the nurturing of good parent-child relationships and the call for men to be good stewards of God’s creation. Last but not least, for godly friendships within our local communities, the sustained growth of Singapore’s economy and for it to continue attracting investors to expand their businesses here.

Referencing Hebrews 11:39-40, Rev Raymond Fong shared about the heroes whose faith was tested and commended by God, but who did not receive what had been promised. God is not a vending machine, and we are to persevere in faith not for present reward but for the eternal reward that awaits us. He encouraged us to live faithfully and surrender to God’s sovereignty, reminding us to focus on having hope in God and the eternal life ahead.
Pastor Ray’s message reminded us not to be overly focused on temporal issues and material possessions. Our daily and earthly struggles are temporary, but our rewards in eternity are everlasting. However, we cannot do it alone but by the grace of God.
The message also encouraged me to trust in God more, focus on Him in my service and to rely on His grace and strength in my commitment to run the race for Him. WDOP was not just a day dedicated to prayers for the church and the broader community, but also a day of reflection and renewed hope in Him.
Photos courtesy of Joycelyn Ong, Alvena Khoo and Richmond Tan
Read also: Wesley Day of Prayer