Bringing God’s Message of Hope and Promise from Singapore to the World: Remembering the Legacy of Brother Joseph Chean (1966 – 2023)

Joseph Chean would have turned 57 years old on 19 November 2023. 

He would also have been preaching at all the morning traditional services at Wesley Methodist Church on his birthday, three days after his return from Istanbul, Turkey. The sermon’s title would have been Singapore’s Obligation to the Nations.

But as many of us know by now, Joseph returned to the Lord on 15 November 2023 in a tragic car accident on the way to the airport in Istanbul. He was in Istanbul for a short break after a discipleship teaching session in Egypt as a representative from Antioch21 Singapore, the global missions arm of LoveSingapore. 

An ACS boy, Joseph was a familiar face, dear friend and wise authentic mentor to many of our leaders and congregants in the Methodist family. He had also preached at Wesley during our Missions Sunday service. He had mentored, or journeyed with a few of our pastors in Wesley, and his sermons had impacted many Wesleyans. Most of all, Joseph’s sacrificial life to the Lord had inspired all of us. An unassuming, humble man who devoted his life to embodying Micah 6:8*, Joseph’s passion for evangelism, enthusiasm for the Word, and compassion for everyone who crossed his path and total strangers were well-known and contagious. 

Joseph gave his life to full-time ministry through serving in YWAM (Youth With A Mission) when he was just 26 years old. Before serving in YWAM, Joseph was a youth pastor at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and a Chaplain’s Assistant at St Andrew’s School. He subsequently served with YWAM from 2005 to 2023. He was their National Director from 2012, stepping down only in August this year to take on the role of Chief Strategist for Antioch21 Singapore

Brother Joseph has now been crowned with the words ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant’. 

His legacy is one of hope, strength and inspiration. His teachings, kind words and quiet actions have touched hearts, reached souls and impacted lives. We have lost Joseph, but we are grateful for the ways he made a difference in many lives. 

Here at Wesley, although we did not get to hear Joseph’s sermon on 19 November 2023, Joseph’s good works, sacrificial service and devoted life to Christ have already delivered the message from the Lord to us. Through his life, Joseph has reminded us we must live our lives wisely and fruitfully for the gospel and live our days on earth well for the Lord.

Joseph’s life is the sermon for us. Joseph had shown us our obligations to the world. 

We give thanks for Joseph’s life, a life well-lived. 

Joseph left behind his wife, Kim, and two daughters, Olivia and Ashley.

In Loving Memory of a Faithful Servant of the Lord and a Friend of the Methodist Church:

“I still cannot accept that Joe is gone. We were exchanging text messages just a few days before he was in Istanbul. He was a dear friend and mentor. Our friendship led me to grow as a pastor and servant of God. He has always invigorated me with his vision to reach and love the least, last and lost. He has led by example with his unswerving passion for what truly matters in God’s kingdom. I will miss him dearly. Yet I know what he worked hard for is not in vain. He has inspired many, like me, to respond to the clarion call to live for Christ, and to reach the world for Him.”

-Rev Raymond Fong , Pastor-in-Charge, Wesley Methodist Church

“I had the privilege of knowing Joe in a context that many others did not – he was responsible for introducing me to my wife, Michele over a meal at his house. After we were engaged, Michele and I asked Joe and his wife, Kim to journey with us over several sessions of marriage preparation – a tall order given Joe and Kim’s busy schedules. All the more, we were immensely grateful for their hospitality and love for us through that journey. Moreover, even though he openly expressed his disdain for speaking at weddings, he graciously agreed to speak at ours. We were supposed to have dinner with him on Friday night, two days after his return, as he had yet to see our daughter since my family returned from my studies in Vancouver. The news of his passing has been very hard to bear for us as a family. More than a family friend, Joe was always a confidant for me – someone I could safely share my woes and burdens as a pastor. As we reflect on his life, we recognised that Joe had an uncanny ability to listen and speak to everyone regardless their age or background – prince or pauper, sceptic or dogmatic, sage or youth, pastor or prostitute. While his passing has been hard for us, we count ourselves beyond blessed to be among the many who had the privilege to hear Joe and be heard by him.”

-Rev Ian Lee, Wesley Methodist Church

Joseph Chean speaking at the wedding of Rev Ian Lee and Michele Lee

“I was so looking forward to Joe Chean’s message this weekend and was preparing to host him for his birthday as he was supposed to speak in our church. I had known him for many years and worked with him at multiple conferences within the Trinity Annual Conference. Whenever we were together, he would share amazing stories of God’s powerful missional movements around the world. These stories never fail to inspire, and I’m somewhat envious of the times Joe had a front-row view in witnessing these miracles. I’m sure that’s how many were and are continuing to be inspired to become committed disciples through missional discipleship. I remember working on a speaking engagement with Joe, and he hosted us with a meal at his home. We tried to stick to the agenda of planning, but it seemed with Joe, we could plan, but he reminded us that God directs. We started with prayer, and Joe simply led us to hear God, and what came out of that was a completely different plan. We all walked away that day – knowing it would be a great conference because God was in charge. That’s Joe. He was always inspiring and had a way of connecting with people at such a relatable level. I will miss him both for his wisdom and friendship. Thank you, Joe. Till we meet again!”

-Rev Adrian Ng, Wesley Methodist Church

Joseph Chean in the ‘Father Heart of God’ class at Tung Ling Bible School in July 2022

“We were in the same class of ‘82 in ACS although I didn’t know Joseph well back in school. We met again at Tung Ling Bible School where he brought the class through a module on ‘Father Heart of God’. Those who have been through the course with Joseph pointed to a heart-wrenching, soul-searching time. Brother Joseph was personable and candid during the course, sharing honestly and openly about his life experiences.

Through his vulnerabilities, Joseph’s faith, drive and commitment to His call was evident and unquestionable. He showed us what it meant to be a true disciple and to be wholly dependent on his Heavenly Father. It peeled away our misconceptions about God, laid bare our past hurts and failures before Him and helped us come to terms with the relationships that impacted us and our loved ones. Brother Joseph led us to a personal and intimate encounter with the Almighty that was revealing yet reassuring, agonising yet comforting, reverent yet affectionate. Joseph was straightforward, transparent, and real. Surely, we have all lost a spiritual giant amongst us. While we grieve our loss, we praise the Lord for Joseph’s ministry and his life that reveals and draws us to the Father Heart of God. Thank you, Brother Joseph.”

– Gaius Ho, Wesley Communications staff member and Alumni of School of Ministry, Tung Ling Bible School

Ministering from the bottom of his heart, Brother Joseph brought everyone to the very heart of God

“Joe was the National Director of YWAM while I was there from 2015-2018. He was truly a visionary, who saw far ahead the path God had for YWAM, for various ministries within, and even for various people. He always spoke with passion and a strong sense of purpose and remained sensitive to God’s voice. One thing I will never forget is how fearless he was in doing the work of God. He recounted an incident to a group of us, when he was on a plane to a country that had a high-risk airspace. The plane could not descend normally but kept its altitude and almost had a nosedive when it was nearing the airport. He clung to his seat for life and thought that was it. God preserved his life then for many more years of spreading the gospel. He did not hesitate to go wherever he heard God calling him to, and this will remain an inspiration and challenge for me to seek God’s heart.”

-Lim Bi Xiu, Wesley Pastoral Team Member who had served together with Joseph Chean at YWAM from 2015 to 2018

“I remember Joe from way back in the 90s when I was roped in to help run some singing and music sessions for youths under a programme called Eternal Splashes – a creative arts movement that Joe initiated. It was still very new with its own teething problems but what hit me most was how enthusiastic and unfazed Joe was. I kept thinking, ‘Wow, this skinny guy has so much energy, patience and faith’. The workshops turned out joyful, no doubt a result of Joe’s passion to reach out to the kids through music and dance. I didn’t keep in touch with Joe all these years, but I will remember how well he led and encouraged us back then to be used by God to minister to the kids.”

– Karen Lim, Wesley member who had served together with Joseph in Eternal Splashes in the 90s 

“I did not know Joseph Chean personally. But Joseph had impacted me when he shared with us that YWAM had organised a Christmas party in Geylang, during a Missions Sunday sermon at Wesley several years ago. In his message, Joseph shared about what his team did for the underserved, and the vice and sex workers in Geylang. Joseph and his team washed the feet of the guests who came to the party. They served everyone with respect and dignity. They offered their hospitality and friendship, giving everyone a glimpse of God’s love and grace in eternity. I was struck by Joseph’s humility. It was a transformative message for me. Before that, I had never thought of serving with any organisations in Geylang; I had only thought about going there for good food. Through his authentic, simple sermon that day, Joseph has inspired me to live a life that is less distracted by the world but a more compassionate one to be near the despised, discouraged, and downtrodden. Thank you, Brother Joseph, you can rest easy now in the peace of God.”

-Yeo Su Chen, Wesley member who serves with her husband at HCSA Community Services, and volunteers with her mother and friend at YWAM, both located in Geylang

“My first encounter with Joe was when I was a student doing the six-month Caleb DTS (Discipleship Training School) course in 2016 as I had intended to join YWAM SG after I finished the course. Joe painted a vivid picture of Revelation, of how nations would come into the throne room of God to worship Him.  It was a mind-blowing picture as he described how each nation would stream into the room to worship God in the way they know and do.  When he described the picture of how the Tibetans would prostrate before the throne of God, that brought tears to my eyes.  I could feel the heart of God, how He yearns for every soul to come to know and worship Him. Joe always spoke with so much passion for missions and his life is exemplary of what he believed as our hearts are shaken and saddened by his sudden ‘promotion’ to glory.  I believe Joe left a legacy that inspired many to love God and to fulfil their God-given destiny.  His life is a sweet remembrance of a life well poured out for God and for His glory.”

– Jeany Wee, Wesley Administry Team Member who had served together with Joseph at YWAM SG from 2016 to 2019

*Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Remembering Joseph Chean: His legacy of faith that will live on — Salt&Light (

Joseph Chean, passionate advocate for missions, called home to be with the Lord (

Joseph Chean: The missions man who was many things but most of all, a friend (

Joseph Chean steps down from leadership at YWAM Singapore after 12 years as National Director — Salt&Light (

“Joe gave me courage to stay the course”: Jemima Ooi — Salt&Light (

Antioch21 Singapore

YWAM Singapore

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