It’s Time to Bring Our Kids Back to Church

As Singapore enters an endemic phase, the Children’s Ministry (CM) at Wesley Methodist Church is looking forward to resuming in-person services. Wesley CM has been online for two years since the pandemic started in 2020.

As we head into April 2022, we are looking to resume the 9.30 am and 11.30 am CM sessions, for children below 9 years old.

As a safety precaution, CM is going to stagger the resumption of CM as follows:

  • Children who are 7 and 8 years old will return on 3 April 2022.
  • Children who are below 7 years old will resume their Sunday School sessions on 24 April 2022.

Children in the 9-10 age group had returned to CM on 13 March 2022.

Sunday School at 5 pm had fully resumed on 13 March 2022.

Main hall teaching session with Teacher Daryl
Prayer time

As for those who are not ready to return to church yet, fret not, online CM classes will still be available at 9.30 am and 11.30 am at least until 8 May 2022. If your family faces challenges returning on site, please write in to our CM team at

As on-site CM has been suspended since the Covid-19 situation started two years ago, we would like to provide the following information relating to the classrooms and age groups:

Parents are kindly reminded to pick up their children on time from the assigned venues at:

  • P3-4 at L2 Hall
  • P1-2 at L3 Hall
  • Pre-School at Plaza Hall
  • 5pm 5L2F at L3 Hall
  • 5pm PSCom at Plaza Hall

All children and teachers in all Sunday school classes will still be required to wear masks. We would also encourage your children to regularly sanitise or wash their hands regardless of their vaccination status. 

Said Daryl Tay, “We are really excited to re-open our Sunday school classes for all our children in stages soon. It has been a while since our children attended church in person although some of them have participated in CM camps during the school holidays last year.”

“In addition, we also like to remind parents to monitor their children and if they show any symptoms of Covid-19, or they have been recently exposed to Covid-19, we ask that you keep them home.”

“The past two years have been pretty demanding for our CM staff, teachers and volunteers as we all try to adapt to the changing rules and regulations.”

“We thank the parents, children and our volunteer teachers for all their patience and we are grateful that we could transition to the online CM quickly to adjust to the situation. Our team of teachers had to quickly rework, reorganise and re-adapt the curriculum for the children, and thank God, now we can regroup to restart CM for all our children.”

“Nothing beats returning to church in person,” said Daryl.

Small group sessions with class teachers

As we return to the new normal in a post-pandemic era, CM is looking forward to opening its doors to our 650 children again.

Every child, no matter how young, belongs to our Lord and each holds incredible spiritual gifts and purpose for God’s kingdom. At Wesley Methodist Church, we want to journey with your child and guide them in that direction.

Joining in live, to the Bible story
Craftwork by preschoolers

So, parents, bring your kids back to CM soon. We have missed our children at Children’s Ministry and are ready to reconnect them with their faith community in church again!

Hear from the CM community who will be glad to welcome the children back.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matt 19: 14).

For the past two years our Children’s Ministry has pivoted online through this pandemic, and we are thankful for technology that allowed us to continue to engage a majority of our kids, who have been faithfully attending the online sessions thus far.

However, we believe that these formative years are critical for developing a faith foundation for our kids, and our discipleship journey with them is limited in an online setting.

With the easing of safe management measures now, we are glad that we can now welcome the entire ministry back, and it’s our joy to journey with our children in-person again.

We encourage you to welcome back our little ones, so that we can partner together in shepherding our next generation in their discipleship journey with the Lord.

Rev Benjamin Lau

Psalm 122:1 (NLT) says it all — “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”

Zoom has been a good alternative but still has its limitations. One great thing about on-site CM is better engagement with the children. We’ll finally be able to hear one another sing during worship, hear the children’s immediate responses during story-telling and have fun doing crafts together!

Teacher Eunice

 “It has been challenging connecting with some of our younger children through Zoom as it is harder to get their attention.

I pray that we will all adjust well to returning to on-site Sunday school and look forward to going back, with the parents’ full support.”

Teacher Lee Siew Cheng

We are so happy that on-site CM service has resumed! We are glad that we are able to attend traditional on-site service while Gabriel attends CM service under the loving care of the CM team. Gabriel who is turning four this year, has also been enjoying himself a lot for the past few on-site sessions. It’s wonderful that he is able to interact with church friends his age. He would tell me who his new friends are and appears to pay better attention than online service, as the CM team does a wonderful job in crafting the lessons in such a way that they capture the children’s attention with engaging storytelling, art work and activities. Gabriel would tell me about the Bible stories that were told and excitedly show me his craft work after every session. Thank you so much to the CM team for all the effort and hard work in doing this for our children!

Zhi Chuan, a parent

About Wesley Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry (CM) in Wesley Methodist Church strives to help our children encounter Christ for themselves. Every child is precious in the eyes of our Lord and to us. We offer classes for children 18 months to 10 years old. Our classes go by different age groups although we have collective worship sessions together. In addition, we also organise day camps or other children’s activities throughout the year for the children.

If you would like to find out more about our classes, please reach out to, our ministry church staff, and have a chat with us.

Calling for Volunteers for Children’s Ministry!

If you are interested to help children to discover Jesus in various fun ways, even if you can only commit once a month, we would love to hear from you! Please contact for more information.

Concerns about Covid-19 Safety Protocols

Feeling a little confused about all the changing safety protocols? Don’t worry, we understand! If you have any questions about the changing Covid-19 safety protocols, please feel free to reach out to us any time. Please contact for more information.

Read also: 54 years of faithfulness in Children’s Ministry

About the Contributor

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