Finding Faith, Friendship and Purpose in Small Group Community: Diakonia Small Group

“Our Small Group (SG) Diakonia meets weekly, and I look forward to the meetings as they are like a breath of fresh air each week to help ‘reset’ after a long, exhausting week,” says Daniel Tong, leader of the SG. Filled with worship, Bible study and prayer, these gatherings provide a space for the Diakonia SG to grow in our faith together. But our commitment to Christ extends far beyond Fridays.

Diakonia SG: United in worship, study, prayer and fellowship

Audrey Chiang, another member, explains, “Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us to ‘spur one another on toward love and good deeds’. In our group, we find constant encouragement to live out our faith through service and fellowship.” This spirit of encouragement is also nurtured through the ministries we support.

Our SG plays a supportive role in the lives of 19 students in Cambodia and nine in Timor-Leste. “We participate in the Methodist Missions Society’s Student Sponsorship programme, but we want to be proactive and extend help beyond prayers and financial support. We recently collected pre-loved laptops to help bolster IT education in Timor-Leste,” Mandy Phua, another member, shares. “Education is key to empowering these students for the future.”

As a group, we also support Touch Nature, a ministry that uplifts women from Kolkata’s red-light districts. “We’re excited to sell their beautiful handmade products at our church Food Fair this September,” says Christine Tong, a member. “It’s a great way to raise awareness and support their incredible work. Touch Nature truly offers these women a chance at a dignified life.”

Building a strong community is another core value of our group. From group hikes to Agape Pickleball games, they find joy in shared activities. “These outings are a fun way to connect with others,” shares Caryn Lim. “They’re also a perfect opportunity to invite friends who might be curious about our faith. The atmosphere is welcoming and non-threatening, and it’s been amazing to see the positive response we’ve received.”

Building community through joyful activities such as group hikes

Small Groups offer a place to grow in faith, build meaningful connections and make a positive impact on the world. We seek to exemplify these core values as we encourage and edify one another in our spiritual marathons.

Photos courtesy of Diakonia Small Group

Read also: A Servant Leader in Small Group Ministry

If you’re looking for a warm and welcoming Christian community, consider joining a Small Group. Please visit Wesley SGM to find out more.

Diakonia SG will be setting up a stall to sell aromatherapy products from Touch Nature to support them. Touch Nature is a business selling 100 percent homemade products using all natural and zero-additive ingredients. The products include soaps, candles and scents. The business provides an avenue for dignified labour to the women making these products. The ministry also actively supports the education and care of their children, as well as food distribution to the local homeless community. For more about Touch Nature, please read:

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