Wesley Celebrates! Homecoming for Prayer & Praise

“Welcome home!” Warm salutations greeted the congregation as they were ushered into the newly renovated Wesley Hall for the Prayer & Praise (P&P) Service on 11 December 2022. A queue had already formed outside the Wesley Hall before 9.15am and there was a palpable sense of anticipation for the first service in the new Hall!

Usher Janice Ong shared, “I was almost tearing when I greeted people with ‘Welcome home!’ and they responded in agreement with smiles of joy. Feels like everyone is looking forward to coming back to a new home!”

This was echoed by fellow usher Karen Tan, “The atmosphere is wonderful, such a feeling of joy and anticipation, of coming home!”

A sense of the familiar but new welcomed the congregation with many looking around to take in the changes as they entered. The teal and brick orange couch seats on the terrace were one of the most eye-catching modifications which gave a very communal and cosy feel to the place. The stage, lighting and visual equipment had also gone through an upgrade, adding a modern and energetic vibe. The cross remains a focal point in the background of the stage, a clear reminder of the reason we are gathered. 

Ritual of Dedication: Renewed and Renovated for One Purpose

Following a powerful time of worship, Pastor-in-Charge Rev Raymond Fong led the congregation in a time of dedication. “This place (Wesley Hall) was renewed and renovated for only one purpose: to glorify God!” He revealed that the new lights, sound, and visual set up would facilitate not only the onsite services but enable us to reach thousands online. Worshippers at the P&P will have the privilege of being witnesses of God’s glory and presence as we catch the vision of this sanctuary being used as a platform to reach the nations. 

It was a powerful moment as the congregation consecrated the Wesley Hall and ourselves in unison prayer, declaring a new season for the P&P where thousands of lives would be touched for God’s glory. “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit” (Zech 4:6b) declared Pastor Ray. Many were visibly touched as we raised our voices to sing ‘Spirit, Touch Your Church’, the words of the song echoing the cries of our hearts.

Pastor Ray also took the opportunity to thank all the volunteers and ministry staff for their commitment and hard work in preparing this place.

Sermon: Here Am I

Delivering the sermon titled “Here Am I”, Pastor David Ho highlighted the timeliness of the opening of the Wesley Hall in the season of Advent, a season of waiting. His sermon focused on the 3 disciplines of active waiting: 

  • Attentive to God’s Presence
  • Available to God’s Purposes 
  • Abide in God’s Power

Pastor David exhorted the congregation to be like Mary in Luke 1:26-38, responding with an attitude of readiness and obedience to what God wants to do: ‘Here Am I’.

Lele, a new member at Wesley who joins us from P&P at Cathay shared, “I was blessed today. Pastor David’s sermon touched my heart, very relevant to what we experience; a good reminder to be like Mary.” 

There was a joyful buzz as the service closed. Some Wesleyans lingered in their seats to pray while others caught up with one another. It was a wonderful sense of community. Together we can ‘actively wait’ in anticipation for the great things God will do in and through the many lives and families in this place. Be a part of this vision and bring someone with you to the next P&P service! 

Photo courtesy of Moomedia

See you at P&P at Wesley Hall every Sunday, 9.30am & 11.30am!

Watch Sermon video, read Sermon notes and reflection questions here

Related post: Wesley Hall: the New Look and Why

Photos by Matthias Ho

Read also: Singing Aloud at the Joy of His Resurrection

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