Proverbs 31:25-28 describes the virtues of mothers. These include strength, dignity, wisdom, and faithful instructions. Mothers are clothed with strength and dignity, can laugh at the future, and watch over their household. Biological and spiritual mothers have an important role to play. Mother’s Day honours the amazing roles all the mothers and mother figures play in our lives.
A special service to honour all mothers
On 12 May 2024, the Wesley Mandarin Ministry (MM) held a special Mother’s Day service to acknowledge biological and spiritual mothers (including mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, aunts and grandaunts) and honour the physical, emotional and spiritual nurturing they provide. The service saw high attendance with MM worshippers, children from MM Children’s Ministry, many newcomers, and the atmosphere was enveloped with an air of warmth and love.
To honour their mothers, children from the Children’s Ministry presented their mothers with handmade gifts, as well as a beautiful carnation each, symbolic of the love of mothers. It was heart-warming to see that these children have been taught to love and honour their mothers, as God’s word commands in Exodus 20:12. We teach our children that mothers are nurturers and caregivers, in the same way as God cares and nurtures His people, as Scripture says in Psalm 131:2. Children are also blessed because mothers have been instrumental in their children’s spiritual development, according to Proverbs 1:8 and 6:20.

Danielle Huo Wenyu, 7, said: “I love Mummy, because she loves me! She sends me to school, does fun things with me and buys me things!”
Chelsea Ang Jing Ting, 17, and Charlotte Ang Jing Lin, 8, said they love their mum because she is both kind and caring, and they are thankful for her unconditional love.

Sharing of the Word
Through her powerful testimony of God’s miraculous grace and healing, the speaker Angelyn Peh reminded the congregation of God’s faithfulness to His people. She also explained the exemplary motherhood of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley.

Angelyn shared that there was a duty to teach and guide the next generation, and that generation to the following generation, for a thousand generations. Her heartfelt testimony of the Lord’s miraculous healing of her stroke touched the congregation with its authenticity and honesty. How amazing is God’s divine love, demanding proclamation and praise!
Said Suelynn Goh who was at the Mandarin service for the first time: “Hearing Sister Angelyn’s sharing, I am convinced that God will heal my eyes too! Praise God for His unfailing love!”

Worship Ministry
The Inter-Ministry Praise Team presented the worship offering. This included the song “A Mother’s Love” composed by Jusuf Kam, and translated into Mandarin by Anthony Wong.
This entire Praise Team, directed by Daniel Chiang, deeply imbibes the words of Martin Luther who said: “Next to the Word of God, the noble Art of Music is the greatest treasure in the world”.
The worship team members put all their heart into the music, earnestly praising, offering not only their song, but also their lives to God. Jerome Chua who watched the service via livestream said, “I could feel that the musicians were not merely performing, they were truly worshiping with their whole being”.
As I watched the Praise Team’s song and worship offering, I could not help but pray that they will continue to grow closer as they journey in discipleship together, in mutual care and support.
The two youngest members of the Praise Team are Zachary Ng, a percussionist, and Evangeline Khuan En Ting, a vocal soloist, both 12. From their playing and singing, it is clear that they are deeply committed to their roles in the music ministry.
Nathanael Ng served as the Audio-Visual Mixer. He shared his discipleship experience as part of the Praise Team: “My approach to mixing is intentional. I want to give the congregation the right atmosphere to fully worship God, both in spirit and in truth. Working with the Inter-ministry praise team was a new experience, and it was fun and a good challenge for me!”

Vocalist and violinist Joel Chik, shared that it had been a great experience for him to serve with this Praise Team: “We are able to come together, regardless of age and background, to serve God and further His kingdom. I am moved by how God has worked through us. Hearing from many in the congregation how the worship had impacted them gives me faith that God’s presence was with us! I invited my parents, and they were inspired by the Word and the Worship.”
Music Director Daniel Chiang, observed that the service reflected what was recorded in Nehemiah 8:12: “And all the people went their way… to make great rejoicing, because they had understood the words that were declared to them.”

A Celebration of Love and Gratitude
The MM Mother’s Day brought multi generations and extended families together. “The Mother’s Day service was special. We could set aside this service to give thanks to God for mothers through simple tokens,” said Vincent Hong, Chairperson of the Wesley Mandarin Ministry.
“Through preparing for this service, the adults and children learned from one another, and used our time and gifts to serve the Lord” he added.
Photos by Henry Lim and Desmond Yiong
More photos are available for viewing and download here.
About Wesley Mandarin Ministry
We are a friendly inter-generational Chinese congregation of Wesley Methodist Church, the oldest Methodist Church in Singapore. The Wesley Mandarin Ministry was founded on 17 January 1993. Our core mission is to build a Christian community for the outreach and nurture of Mandarin-speaking as well as dialect-speaking Wesley members, their friends and family members. We are guided in our mission by Acts 2: 42, 47. (V42 – They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. V47 – praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved). We worship together as a small community of about 125 people every Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm. We also have a Children’s Ministry programme for young children from the age of 3 to 12 at the same time. Even though we are a Chinese congregation, we seek to build a Church community not limited by nationality, ethnicity, or language but an inter-generational one that worships the Lord in truth and spirit. We are a ministry dedicated to seeing God glorified in our lives and are committed to growing together faithfully in Christ. We welcome you to join us to learn God’s Word and grow in Christ together and may the grace and peace of our Lord be with you. Please visit Wesley Methodist Church – Mandarin ( for more details.
卫理公会卫斯理堂华文事工成立于1月17日,1993年。华文事工的核心使命是建立一个基督教社群,来牧养卫斯里堂会友讲华语或方言的家人和朋友,并以使徒行传 2:42、47 为指导. (42使 徒 行 傳 2:42: 都 恒 心 遵 守 使 徒 的 教 训, 彼 此 交 接, 擘 饼, 祈 祷 。47赞美神,得众民的喜爱。 主将得救的人天天加给他们。) 我们每个星期天下午2点半至4点钟都有华语主日崇拜和儿童主日学。虽然我们是一个以华语为主的教会团体,我们致力建立一个不被国籍,种族或语言限制的教会,一起追求心灵诚实的敬拜和效法主耶稣基督来彰显祂的荣耀。我们诚恳邀请你来到我们当中,参与我们的崇拜与活动,和我们一起在主里增长。 愿上帝的平安和恩典伴随你! 想要知道更多有关详情请查阅 Wesley Methodist Church – Mandarin (