Happy 137th Anniversary, Wesley

The oldest Methodist church in Singapore, Wesley Methodist Church, celebrates its 137th Anniversary with a special combined service today, 20 February 2022.

In recognition of the church’s contributions in the fields of missions and education, the governor of Singapore then, Sir John Anderson, granted a piece of land at Fort Canning for a church to be erected in early 1907. Under the leadership of Rev A.J. Amery, the new building at Fort Canning was completed and named Wesley Methodist Church. 

Watch the video of Anniversary Greetings from Pastors, leaders and church members here:

Although Wesley’s growth was interrupted during the war years as its building was used as an ammunition depot, the church was rededicated on Easter Day 1948. 

Through the 137 years, for better or worse, Wesley Methodist Church has remained a strong, beautiful, and permanent historical fixture on Fort Canning Hill. It holds its place not just in the history of churches in Singapore, but also in the history of the nation. 

With grateful and joyous hearts, on Wesley’s 137th anniversary, we continue to thank God for seeing us through the sunshine and storms of life. Through our history, in the face of adversity or more agreeable times, we have witnessed God steadfastly and faithfully steer our forefathers and present-day leaders and members to trust in His promises and walk in His light with persistent determination, no matter what happens around us. 

This year’s anniversary celebration will focus on the theme of Directions 2025: Intentional Discipleship – Take The Next Step. In addition, we are also launching a microsite for our church newsletter, in the Wesley TIDINGS

As we enter our 137th year, Wesley Methodist Church is still standing here, a powerful testament of God’s faithfulness to us. 

So, as we celebrate our beloved church’s birthday, and even though many of us will be attending the church service from home, let’s unite our hearts and in one spirit, join our pastors, leaders, and brothers and sisters in Christ to wish Wesley, 

“Happy Birthday, Church!” 

Greetings from our some of our Pastors, leaders and church members:

Dear Wesleyans, as we celebrate our 137th anniversary, let us acknowledge and thank God for His abundant blessings to our forbears and to ourselves today! As we have been blessed, let us be a blessing to others! Happy Birthday, Wesley! God bless you!

– Philip Oh, Chairperson, Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC)

That our lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God (Phil 1:11).

– Rev Lim Jen Huat

今天我们欢庆卫理公会卫耶堂在新加坡成立137週年,这137年走来不容易,有风风雨雨,有战乱,有困境, 憑着撒迦利亚书4:6的应许“万军之耶和华说:不是倚靠势力,不是倚靠才能,乃是倚靠我的灵方能成事”, 都能一一克服,茁壮成长,開枝散叶. 我们继续祈主赐卫理公会及卫斯理堂满满的恩典与能力,在这黑暗时刻,能为主发光发热,会众能做好门徒,荣耀主!

– Justin Ong, Chairperson, Mandarin Ministry

Let us testify to God’s faithfulness and goodness on this day! 

May God’s Spirit continue to empower us to be determined, devoted and disciplined disciples. 

May we grow deeper, aim higher and serve better to the praise of His glory!

– Rev Lilian Ang

May Jesus Christ always be the centre of our life and ministry in Wesley Methodist Church, and may every Wesleyan shine for Him wherever he or she may be.

– Rev Chia Chin Nam

Happy Anniversary, Wesley! Let us continue to be thankful and faithful, for every good and perfect gift comes from the Father.

– Khuan Bok Cheng, Haig View Small Group

I wish for Wesley Methodist Church to continue to grow in numbers and to nurture each other in faith and love.

– Elijah Lee, Youth, Youth Ministry 

I dream that Wesley Methodist Church will be a church where all generations will encounter God’s love and grace and be transformed into committed disciples of Christ who fulfill God’s call to the world.

– Rev Adrian Ng

Blessed Anniversary, Wesleyans! May this anniversary remind us of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness, and inspire us to love, grow and serve as intentional disciples. 

– Rev David Ho

Blessed Anniversary, Wesley Methodist Church! As we celebrate our anniversary, let us continue to love, grow and serve as God’s faithful disciples of Christ!

– Rev Benjamin Lau

Blessed Anniversary, Wesley! And 137th year at that! 

What a testament to God’s faithfulness in the building of His Church in the city and a blessing through our congregation amongst many communities, whether in the marketplace, The Cathay or at Jalan Berseh. I take pride in acknowledging Wesley as my home church. 

May the Lord continue to lead us by His spirit, and guide us through many more years to come, for His kingdom’s sake and His glory alone.

Blessed 137th Anniversary once again, Wesley family!  

– Pastor Clement Ong

Happy 137th birthday, Wesley. You are a grand old dame on the hill but never over the hill. I pray that God’s peace, presence and promises will always be here in our midst here at Wesley!

– Yeo Su Chen, Chairperson, Communications

– Rev Melvin Huang and Mrs Gerda Huang

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