#HACK2023: Love in Discipleship

#HACK2023 is here!

#HACK is an annual hackathon organised by Indigitous—a global movement with a mission to advance the Kingdom of God through digital technologies. For the first time, Indigitous Singapore is organising this year’s edition together with Digital Wesley, a ministry of Wesley Methodist Church.

Charis Lim, Chairman of Digital Wesley, shared, “Our team is delighted to partner with Indigitous Singapore to host #HACK2023. Echoing the words of the founder of Methodism, John Wesley, Digital Wesley firmly believes that every sphere of life can be redeemed, including the digital space, for ‘The [Digital] World is [our] parish’!”

Some of you may wonder, what exactly is #HACK2023 about? In short, #HACK2023 is a three-day event where people from various backgrounds with diverse gifts and talents come together to solve real-world challenges with their “five loaves and two fishes” to advance God’s Kingdom on earth.

The theme for this year’s #HACK2023 is Love in Discipleship. #HACK2023 will be a platform for participants to demonstrate God’s love and steward our God-given talents as a disciple of Christ to those in need around us. 

“With several social and cultural issues, many struggle with a sense of purpose and face relationship challenges in the marketplace, families, churches and the society at large. #HACK2023 empowers everyone to serve God and one another with digital skills, gifts and talents that God has given us,” says Vivien Lim, a core member of Indigitous Singapore.

In the spirit of #HACK2023, participants will go beyond the four walls of our churches and be tasked to solve real-life challenges around us. There are 12 challenges in the 2023 hackathon.

As 1 Corinthians 12:4 – 6 says, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”

You do not need digital skills to sign up for #HACK2023. Anyone can join in the fun and excitement. Just bring whatever talents God has given to you. All you need is a willing heart and the love of a disciple.

What does #HACK look like?

“#HACK2022 was an enjoyable time for me because I was able to work with like-minded Christians to use the skills that God has given to me to create a solution that is able to solve challenges in the Christian community” – David Goh, #HACK2022 Participant.

It is definitely going to be an exhilarating experience working together overnight! This is an event unlike any other. A truly unique way for us to extend God’s work among our community and beyond. As Wesleyans, let’s congregate and partner with God and our communities.

We look forward to what God is doing in our midst.

Charis affirmed, “As the body of Christ, we all have a part to play. This partnership with a global movement like Indigitous will enable us to accelerate this vision to mobilise the church toward using our best gifts, talents and skills for the glory of God in the digital frontiers. Come join us at #HACK2023 in this exciting intersection where digital meets mission.”

Join us at #HACK2023 from 13th to 15th October at Wesley Methodist Church. Register or consider becoming a mentor at this event. Details can be found at ndgt.sg/hack2023.

Photos courtesy of Indigitous Singapore

Read also: Making Disciples in the Digital World – birth and mission of Digital Wesley

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