Red poinsettias with fairy lights, shiny tinsel and baubles on evergreen conifers – these ubiquitous adornments displayed throughout our city signalled the arrival of Christmas. Yet, as Wesley Methodist Church congregated for Christmas Combined Services 2024, we were called upon to meditate on the “true light”:
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. ~John 1:4,9

As counterpoint to this quiet reflection, Joy to the World trumpeted to herald the coming of the “true light” – the birth of Christ. A medley of familiar Yuletide tunes followed joyously on strings. Akin to how Christ’s birth opens our eyes to God’s everlasting light, four candles were lit, representing: HOPE that transcends our hurting world, PEACE that tears the veil of hostility and division, JOY that can dry every tear and LOVE that covers our guilt.

Oh, how the young and old then resoundingly worshipped Christ the newborn King! Chorus and tunes from the orchestra, the choirs, the pastoral team and the congregation intertwined harmoniously in the opening carols to worship Him. Truly, God can give light to everyone, no matter the distance or whether we desire, hope or despair in Him. Gloria in excelsis Deo!
The church then quietened our hearts in prayer that the love of Christ be real to us personally, the church family and the world. Echoing the meditation verse, Rev Raymond Fong exhorted in his sermon, titled “The Light Has Come”, that the revelation of the “true life” is impossible to attain on our own. This is why we celebrate the dawning of light that is divine, glorious and freeing, in the form of Christ’s birth, at Christmas:
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. ~Isaiah 9:2

As the Christmas service closed with songs of joy and praise of Christ’s birth, I guess that the Christmastide season may bring comfort for some or anxiety of hurtling towards the new year for others. Whatever the case, this service blesses all to turn towards and surrender to the light of God. May we all be invigorated in Him, the Emmanuel who risked His heart to be hurt by being one of us, in our valleys and mountains of ordinary and mundane everyday life. Blessed Christmas!

Photos by Keefe Quek, Jon Chia and CJ Goh
Click here to see more photos from Wesley Christmas Combined Services 2024
Read also: Spreading Cheer: Wesley’s Christmas Carnival at Jalan Berseh