Let Everything that has Breath Praise The Lord!


On the first and third Wednesday of each month, the Wesley basement rooms resonate with the melodies of Songs of Praise to the Lord.

Led by Mr Stephen Teng, the dedicated members of the Harmonica Ensemble meet as a close-knit and loving Christian community to practise the harmonica and fellowship with one another.

Members of the Harmonica Ensemble and students of the new class, with Pastor Chia Chin Nam (centre, seated) and teacher Mr Sim Han Thiam (2nd from left, standing)

The Harmonica Ensemble was founded in 2001 by the late Mr Wong Tien Poh, who was then the President of the Seniors Fellowship. The pioneering members included the late Mr Loke Yun Lum and the late Mr Henry Lai.

The mission of the Harmonica Fellowship is:

1. To provide a platform for harmonica enthusiasts to form a fellowship within the Christian community.

2. To equip this community to play the harmonica for outreach, sharing God’s love and grace.

The group has been faithfully meeting and serving for the last 23 years.

The Wesley Glowing Years Ministry (GYM) has also responded to requests by offering a new harmonica class for beginners who wish to join this fellowship.

The new harmonica class has 12 students, consisting of church members, non-church members and pre-believers. The Harmonica Ensemble has also extended invitations to this class, other GYM events and our regular church services.

Performing at GYM Happy Hour

It is a truism: to be alive is to be able to breathe in and breathe out!

While we may think of breathing as second nature or reflexive, playing the harmonica requires focus, an understanding of air control, expressing the dynamics of a song, and maintaining timing and rhythm. All of this is practiced and rehearsed both in church and at home.

The oldest member of the Harmonica Class is Mr Alex Giam, who is 90 years old. He says, “The Lord gives me good health, the company of beloved brothers and sisters, and the privilege of playing in outreach to senior care centres, homes and hospitals. I am grateful to be doing this and will continue for as long as God allows. Breath control and breathing properly gives me energy and vitality”.

Mr Alex Giam, oldest member, and Mr Stephen Teng, leader of the Harmonica Ensemble

Mrs Chang-Cheng Wei Hua, aged 78, is an active member. She has brought the handy harmonica on countless mission trips, teaching the instrument to adults and children across various countries. Those she has introduced the instrument are delighted to be able to play a tune after the first lesson. It is a wonderful ice-breaker instrument. Wei Hua, who has played the flute in the church orchestra since 2009 and is also a pioneer member of the Bamboo Praise Angklung Ensemble, says, “I must encourage everyone to pick up this instrument. Praise Him with all instruments, the Bible says. We obey!”  From these beginnings, Wei Hua has also started a Harmonica Ensemble in a church in Shanghai, where they are rostered to play in worship services. Additionally, Wei Hua has started a harmonica class for the church’s Sunday School.

Mrs Chang-Cheng Wei Hua teaching the harmonica to some of the children of the Church Sunday School in Shanghai

Mr Liew Yuen Loong, in his 80s, has been in the Befriender ministry for more than two decades. He says, “I am very happy to be able to befriend those who need company, and I am the face of our Lord’s care and love. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to share the music of the harmonica with the people I befriend. I thank God for the privilege!”

Ms Elsie Teo says, “I was one of the many people who received a Christmas present of a harmonica from Wei Hua! She is a great ambassador for the instrument!  I am thankful for the lessons organised by the Glowing Years Ministry. I enjoy learning the worship songs and outreach songs. The seniors are very energetic and inspiring to me. I also find the group enthusiastic, disciplined and serious, always punctual during practices and performances.”

Performing at sanctuary services

Ms Karen Tan Chia is a new member of the Harmonica Class. She says, “Teacher Sim Han Thiam is very patient and thorough, and I am motivated by the seniors, like Uncle Alex, who never miss a single session. I want to grow old gracefully that way!”

The Harmonica Ensemble regularly plays their instruments to congregations at the GYM Happy Hour, St Luke’s Hospital and Eldercare, Anglican Peace Connect.

Photos courtesy of Harmonica Ensemble

Read also: Ukulele Harmony: Strumming Faith and Joy at the Wesley Glowing Years Ministry

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