WKFC Children Play and Pray at Picnic @ Fort Canning Park
Clear blue skies, brilliant sunshine, and the beautiful Fort Canning Park greeted the Primary 3 and 4 children from 9.30am Wesley Kids for Christ (WKFC) that morning. There was even a white-bellied sea eagle nesting in the trees with two chicks, which fascinated both children and adults.
On that day, 24 June 2022, many of us experienced God through His reflection in the beauty of nature. Teacher Daryl’s sharing of Psalm 19 reminded us of this: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Indeed, we serve a creative God, and being in nature and seeing the beautiful scene He created led us to revel in His glory.

The Children Ministry (CM) picnic started off with games, followed by snacks and drinks on colourful picnic mats. The children ran, played, and some even folded paper aeroplanes which they flew. This break from the usual CM lessons was a chance to let the children enjoy and delight in God in the way they learn best — through play.
“Here at CM, play is part of our core values, because we believe that besides teaching the children through studying God’s Word, worship and being in a class setting, play is through which they learn best. It’s actually very important in their spiritual formation, to experience and see God’s fingerprints through fun and nature,” said Daryl Tay, CM Pastoral Team Member.

Ezra Woo, nine years old, had looked forward to the picnic, which was a happy way to mark the end of the June holidays. “I was very excited, I really looked forward and enjoyed the games and fun!”
Besides play, the picnic was an opportunity for the children to learn to pray. Dark clouds had gathered that morning, but as the time for the picnic drew near, the sky miraculously cleared up.

“The night before the picnic, Emma prayed for good weather, and we thank God for the wonderful weather on Sunday,” said Kellyn Quek, mother of nine-year-old Emma. “Sunday school teachers and curriculum not only help the children build positive friendships with their peers by learning and discovering God’s Word together, they also help to grow their faith by teaching them how to pray.”

For the CM teachers, the highlight was to finally see some of the children in person!
“What a joy to see the children at play again, and bonding after years of Zoom! This was probably the first time we’ve seen each other’s full faces in person. It feels like the children have warmed up to each other even in this very short activity,” said Teacher Angele Lee.
We at CM always need extra hands, on a regular or ad-hoc basis! If you have a heart to disciple the next generation— through playing an instrument, helping with worship, teaching, lending a hand on special celebrations or events like this picnic — come join us! Let us know by connecting with us at cmteam@wesleymc.org.

(Photos by CJ Goh)
Read also: Missions Possible; It’s Time to Bring Our Kids Back to Church