From 28 November to 1 December 2024, Wesley Methodist Church was filled with the vibrant energy of young hearts and minds as 80 JAIA (Just As I Am) Betweens embarked on their annual camp. The JAIA camp is a discipleship camp for tweens aged 11 to 14 (Primary 5 to Secondary 2). It is where the young campers are encouraged to grow closer to God through listening to the Word and testimonies, fellowship, food and fun, as well as through worship and prayers. The atmosphere at the 4-day-3-night camp was abuzz with excitement, laughter and a shared passion for growing closer to God.

Fellowship: The Heart of the Camp Experience
The camp had a gamut of activities designed to engage, inspire and uplift. Beyond the spiritual enrichment, the camp fostered a sense of community and camaraderie through a range of recreational activities.
At the core of the JAIA Camp was the emphasis on fellowship. Campers were encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, embrace diversity and build relationships grounded in mutual respect and support.
JAIA camp commandant Darren Woo explained the theme of this year’s JAIA camp: “‘Visible Faith’ is all about encouraging and challenging the campers to consider what faith looks like both in ordinary and challenging times.”
“Sometimes visible faith looks like knees bowed down with tears streaming down one’s face; other times it looks like a seated quiet prayer. Regardless, seeing our campers in a posture of passionate worship and heartfelt prayer during the camp reminded me that God was, and still is, deep at work in the lives of our campers,” said Darren.

Lessons Learned and Lives Touched
The impact of the camp extended far beyond the three days spent at Wesley Methodist Church. Many JAIA campers returned home with hearts full of joy, minds filled with new insights and a renewed sense of purpose.
Thirteen-year-old Amy Chan shared that she appreciated the leaders who had gathered so many people to plan for the camp and had many activities to show how God’s love works in many ways. “I really enjoyed getting to know my bunk mates and making new friendships from the dorm arrangements. I am thankful to everyone who put in so much effort to make this camp a fruitful and enjoyable one for everyone and give us more opportunities to learn about God and how He provides for us.”

Another camper, 11-year-old Anna Lam, shared her heartwarming experience:
“My experience with JAIA 2024 was very fun and meaningful. I think that the dry and wet games were very fun and well planned. They also have meanings behind them that we can learn from. I found worship very enjoyable too. The worship session on the third day was very touching and many of us lifted our hands, jumping to the songs, and some of us were even crying. The camp has also taught me to always be grateful for what we have through the carnival and prayer walk in Jalan Berseh. Overall, the camp has been a super fun bonding time with my friends and brought me closer to God.”

Mentors and Volunteers Crucial to Camp Experience
The presence of dedicated youth leaders and mentors played a crucial role in shaping the camp experience. These individuals served as role models, offering guidance, support and encouragement to the campers.

Liana Seah, Chairperson of BeTween, shared that they had witnessed how the Holy Spirit touched the hearts and spirits of the campers and leaders, with many encountering Him in a personal way at the camp: “During the last night of camp, I could sense that we were so ready to receive from Him as most were worshipping so fervently and were in tears as prayer ministers prayed for us individually. I believe it was the first time for many to feel strangely warmed. Whenever we give space and invite Him to move, He moves so powerfully. He is doing wonderful work in the lives of our young people. He is indeed faithful throughout generations.”
“God has answered our prayers in bigger ways than we could ever have imagined.”
About BeTween Ministry
The BeTween ministry is a vibrant ministry of Wesley Methodist Church specifically designed for tweens aged 11 to 14. At BeTween, we believe in empowering young people to embrace their unique identity in Christ and grow in their faith through weekly fellowship, dynamic worship sessions, and engaging Bible studies. Connect with other tweens, build lasting friendships, and have loads of fun in a safe and supportive environment every Sunday at 9.30am, 11.30am or 5pm. The BeTween Ministry also runs an annual discipleship 4-day-3-night camp, Just As I Am (JAIA), for the tweens. To join or find out more about JAIA and BeTween, please contact
Photos courtesy of BeTween Ministry
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