“Happy 140th!” A volunteer from the Hospitality Ministry at Wesley Methodist Church greeted me with a smile, directing me towards the Prayer and Praise Hall. “We’re celebrating such a special occasion today!”
Wesley Methodist Church, the birthplace of Methodism in Singapore, celebrated its 140th anniversary with a commemorative service on 16 February 2025.
A sense of communal anticipation filled the air as the Wesley family and its extended family from other Methodist churches gathered in celebration.
As I entered the sanctuary, the orchestra and choirs were poised and ready, and the brightly coloured floral arrangements reflected the lively atmosphere. A joyful rekindling of ties was evident in the smiling handshakes and warm greetings, especially among the guests, including former pastors of Wesley, leaders of Methodist schools and organisations, and representatives from other churches.

Celebrating God’s Goodness
The service featured inspiring music, including a beautiful opening rendition of Great Is Thy Faithfulness accompanied by the guzheng, and a powerful choral offering. A clarion call to worship and a prayer for unity was narrated, centring on the church as one foundation with Christ as the cornerstone. Rev Raymond Fong, Pastor-in-Charge of Wesley Methodist Church, welcomed the congregation and led us in an intergenerational prayer, thanking God for giving unity and guidance for The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) over the past 140 years.
A Call to Love God: Sermon by Bishop Philip Lim
Congratulating Wesley on its 140th anniversary, Bishop Philip Lim attributed the milestones of the church to God’s work and His instrument. He highlighted the intertwined anniversaries of Wesley and The Methodist Church in Singapore and shared the upcoming MCS anniversary events. His sermon, “Love the Lord your God” based on Mark 12:28-34, emphasised the importance of returning to the fundamentals of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Bishop Lim exhorted us to prioritise our covenantal relationships with God and align our actions with His will.

(Watch or listen to Bishop Philip Lim’s sermon here )
Messages from the Annual Conference Presidents
The service continued to celebrate God’s goodness through the song of response O God Beyond All Praising and with a video showcasing God’s glory through the MCS’s work in education, missions and outreach over the past 140 years. Blessings and messages were shared by the Presidents of the three respective annual conferences: Rev Lek Yong Teck (Chinese Annual Conference), Rev Saravan Kumar (Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference) and Rev Reuben Ng (Trinity Annual Conference).
While Rev Lek Yong Teck spoke on the return of Methodism to scriptural holiness and its transference to social holiness, Rev Saravan Kumar encouraged all to renew our commitment to our Methodist mission faith, fellowship, service and gratitude. Finally, Rev Reuben Ng shared his hope that God will continue to use the MCS and WMC to help the afflicted and needy and be righteous by the love of Christ, giving thanks and seeking God without ceasing.
Looking Ahead: Vision 2035 for Wesley Methodist Church
Rev Raymond Fong reciprocated by thanking the Presidents, Pastors and the church community for their labour of love. In a rather light-hearted moment, there was delight and amusement among the congregation as Pastor Raymond introduced the symbolism of the Wesley 140th Anniversary goodie bag items: the bag symbolising our journey and our mission; the coffee symbolising fellowship and community; tea symbolising the blend of cultures and hospitality throughout our Methodist history; and the hand towel symbolising humility and servanthood.

Wesley Methodist Church’s 140th anniversary celebration was capped by the inspiring unveiling of Vision 2035. “The past 140 years have truly been a transformational journey,” declared Pastor Raymond. “Countless heroes of faith have sown into the ministry of God’s kingdom, and by His grace, we have seen the fruit of their persevering labour.”
Serving as the roadmap for the church’s next significant leap forward, Vision 2035 “expresses a longing for the church we hope to be, not by human might, not by power, but by the sovereign empowerment of the Spirit,” explained Pastor Raymond. The vision statement is to be “a welcoming church in the city, making disciples, building godly families and caring communities to serve God’s mission to the least, last and lost.”
“As a church in the city, strategically located in the heart of the arts and the civic district,” Wesley has “the mandate to serve and reach the city, as a light on the hill,” he added.
Strategic Thrusts for Vision 2035
Pastor Raymond went on to share with the congregation the strategic thrusts for Vision 2035.
The first strategy is the Discipleship of Generations. Pastor Raymond invited the congregation to envision generations of our families, built on godly marriages and Christ-centred foundations, where each person is discipled through a clear roadmap during life’s transitions. He invited the church to imagine every generation maturing in their faith through small groups and ministries, and picture a robust digital outreach, mirroring John Wesley’s approach, where the online world becomes our parish, drawing people into a thriving discipleship community.
The next strategy is to Create an Open Church of Welcome and Hospitality – to be a church we can all call home, and a sacred place where all who come feel the welcome and rest of God. Pastor Raymond invited us to picture our church open all year round and not just on Sundays, a weekday sanctuary for tourists and locals seeking prayer and reflection, a place where visitors can encounter God’s love through hospitality, and a place where God’s faithfulness can be made known through heritage tours. Imagine a church that can shine brightly as a beacon during community events, drawing thousands.
The third strategy focuses on Intentional Outreach through Social Concerns and Missions, the heart of our Methodist heritage. Envisage expanding from Jalan Berseh to Jalan Besar, serving wider marginalised communities, seniors, youth and children in collaboration with agencies and churches. As a church, Wesley wants to continue growing mission work, raising missionaries and developing fields. Church redevelopment and acquiring space in Jalan Besar are crucial for growth and require our trust in God’s provision.
The last strategy is to Create and Acquire Space. God has given us growth and the church is running out of space for our weekend programmes and services. We need to consider how we can develop and expand our premises, acquire space in the Jalan Besar area so as to continue to grow and continue the good work of disciple-making, growth and community-building.
Grounded in God’s providence, glory and purpose, Vision 2035 charts a course for Wesley Methodist Church, focusing on nurturing discipleship across generations, building a welcoming community and creating space for growth in disciple-making and community service. Drawing inspiration from King David’s role in preparing for the temple’s construction, Pastor Raymond explained how Vision 2035 lays the foundation for future generations to build upon, just as David provided the resources and guidance for Solomon. These preparations ensure that the next generation will have what they need to fulfil God’s purposes.
The Best of All is God is with Us
With the unveiling of Vision 2035, Pastor Raymond called upon all to unite in prayer, service and giving, laying a foundation of faith for generations to come.
As we press forward towards the glorious future God has prepared for us, Pastor Raymond inspired Wesleyans with the unwavering truth of John Wesley’s words: “The best of all is God is with us”.
This powerful affirmation resonated throughout the sanctuary as the service concluded with a joyous doxology, a vibrant rendition of “By Faith,” and a powerful benediction by Bishop Emeritus Wee Boon Hup, invoking God’s abundant presence and guidance. The triumphant organ postlude, Facing a Task Unfinished, captured the dynamic spirit of The Methodist Church in Singapore in its 140th year, and for Wesley Methodist Church, as it looks ahead to its journey of “Looking Up, Reaching Out” — a journey filled with hope, purpose and the unwavering promise of God’s abiding presence.
From our humble beginnings to our present-day mission, the story of Wesley Methodist Church is one of God’s faithfulness and providence. Connect with our history and learn more about our 140th anniversary celebration at Wesley Methodist Church – Our History and Wesley Methodist Church 140th Anniversary.

Photos by CJ Goh, Jon Chia, Julian Wee and Stanley Yeo
View and download more photos of 140th Church Anniversary here
Read more about the celebration of the Methodist Church of Singapore’s 140th Anniversary at Wesley Methodist Church:
“Love the Lord your God”: Bishop Philip Lim exhorts Methodists as the Church celebrates 140 years of Methodism in Singapore – The Methodist Church in Singapore
“Are we near or far from the kingdom of God?”: Methodist Bishop launches MCS 140 with call to go back to basics — Salt&Light