Directions 2024 – Discipleship in the Workplace

Work can be such a pleasure and yet a struggle.

While we find satisfaction in the work we do in our vocations and seasons of life, sometimes we wrestle with our purpose and calling.

The joys of accomplishment and the reward from work are often balanced against the stress and anxieties that come from expectations, unreasonable deadlines, difficult co-workers and the toxic culture at the workplace.

The Word of God tells us that the enjoyment of our work is a gift from God (Ecclesiastes 5:19) and we are called to work for God and not for men (Colossians 3:23).

For our church directions in 2024, we will focus on discipleship in the workplace.

We hope to help each Wesleyan take his or her next step to becoming more intentional as a disciple of Christ at the workplace. Whether a student, homemaker, retiree or someone who is vocationally engaged and employed, there is work to be done by everyone and a workplace we belong to.

My prayer is that we will be spiritually formed through the work we do. This means we will have a better grasp of the theology of work: Purpose, Calling, Character, Rest, Challenges.

May we grasp the fundamental principle that there is no secular-sacred divide; all of life, especially the workplace, is for God’s kingdom purposes.

My sincere hope is that we will be effective salt and light at the workplace. This is our powerful witness to a broken and marred world. Wherever God has called us, may we be testimonies of God’s love and live such godly lives through our work that will draw others to the love of Christ.

For the purposes of spiritual formation, we will have the following sermon series on the Theology of Work (January to February), the book of Mark (Lent) and Nehemiah (August to October) to help us gain new insights about the spiritual importance of the work we do. We will have MWTS (Mid-Week Teaching Sessions) on work-related topics and podcasts to encourage meaningful conversations.

We will encourage witness and outreach through Alpha at the workplace in addition to the outreach we do through Alpha.

Let me encourage you to go to our webpage ( to access the calendar of events for directions 2024 so that you may participate.

Above all, let’s continue to keep in prayer.

Let’s really pray for a revival of our discipleship at the workplace. I know that if the Lord has called us, He will open doors for us and empower us.

Let’s be strong and courageous for the Lord is with us.

Let us be with Him.

This is Ps Ray, at work with you.

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