Weekly Sermon Reflection Questions

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Seven Signs in John (3): Healing The Man At The Pool (Traditional)

John teases the reader to discover who Jesus really is, through the great miracles He performs. In today’s passage, Jesus heals the lame man at the pool on the Sabbath. He had been an invalid for 38 years. The Sabbath is the time set aside for reverence and devotion. The preparation for the Sabbath, sets the tone for the devotion that we have on the Sabbath. We step away from our busyness and adopt a posture of reverence and devotion.

Seven Signs in John (3): Healing The Man At The Pool (Traditional) Read More »

Seven Signs In John (3): Healing The Man At The Pool (P&P)

In this third session in Lent, we continue reflecting on the signs in the Gospel of John. John presents seven key miracles to help us recognise Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God. These signs provoke belief and encourage us to understand who Jesus truly is. One of these miracles occurs at the pool of Bethesda, where Jesus heals a man who has been invalid for 38 years.

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Blessing, Belonging & Believing (P&P)

The legacy of any church depends on (1) God’s unchanging love & faithfulness upon His church and on the (2) disciples’ obedience to fulfil God’s call upon His church. The early churches were marked by their hospitality as read in 3 John 5-11. v5-8 especially tells that Christians are called to be hospitable to those around because it is considered honouring God.

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Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit of Mission (P&P)

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, moving in power, bringing the presence, purpose and passion of God to us. Acts 2:1-4 relates how the Spirit fell upon the early church on the Day of Pentecost. (Shavuot), which was one of the seven Jewish festivals occurring 50 days after Passover. It was a harvest festival of first fruits promising more to come. Therefore, it was deeply symbolic as God foretold that by His Holy Spirit countless more souls would be added to the Kingdom.

Theology of Mission 5: The Spirit of Mission (P&P) Read More »

Joy In Expectant Waiting (Traditional)

The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and Mary with life changing messages. Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth would bear a child in her old age and he was to name him John. The angel visited Mary later to pronounce she had found favour with God and would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. The child will be Jesus, the long-awaited Son of God, the Messiah.

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