4 January 2022 – Rebuilding The House Of The Lord

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 4th January 2022


Ezra 3 and Psalm 4 (NIV)

Rebuilding The House Of The Lord

(Sarah Khoo, Pastoral Team Member, Children’s Ministry)


Ezra 3 (NIV) – Building the Foundation of the House of the Lord.


Ezra 3 portrays a beautiful picture of the people of Israel in exile who could finally return home and rebuild the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. The first act that they decided to do was to build the altar and offer burnt offerings according to the law of Moses. The old and new generations came together to renew and to revive the old pattern of worship for the Lord. In a way, the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles and the burnt offerings was to show that God’s presence and protection was with them. It was also an assurance that they shouldn’t be fearful of the threat that might come from the people living in the land as they work on rebuilding the house of God in Jerusalem.

Then the Israelites began to lay the foundation of the temple. In verse 7, together they gathered finances and resources to build the temple. It was only in the second year that they started to build the foundation of the physical temple. The young and the older generations worked hand in hand to build the foundation. Many were joyful and gave praises to the Lord God. The older generations (who had witnessed the grandeur of the temple built by Solomon) were sad. They experienced a mixed feeling of joy and sadness because the physical temple was not as grand as the old temple. However, the shouts and praises of joy of those who were glad to rebuild the temple overpowered their sadness. The new temple would not be as grand as the old one but what was significant was that the people of God could build the house of the Lord, a place for them to worship the Lord God and experience His presence.


The year 2021 marked two years of pandemic which caused much chaos in the world. It affected the way Christians worship God and exercise our faith in the world. Reading Ezra as I enter the year 2022 seems to give much expectancy that God is directing me to a renewal and rebuilding project. Reading Ezra 3 got me to reflect on the meaning of rebuilding the house of the Lord. In my context, the physical temple is referring to the church. Ezra 3 caused me to ponder on a few questions: “Do I need to rebuild the church as the house of the Lord?” “What is my role in rebuilding the temple of God?” and “Does the church need rebuilding and renewal?”

I am convinced that my role in starting the new year is, first to build an altar for the Lord and then to offer myself to God and surrender my life for His purpose. This is the building block of a solid foundation, which begins with me and God. Like the individual Israelite in Ezra, I know I need to be ready and be involved in rebuilding the house of God. Together with the people of God, I need to rely on God’s guidance, protection and strength for the renewal of the church that has been affected by the pandemic.

Ezra 3 portrays a beautiful picture of both the young and old coming together to build the foundation for the rebuilding of the house of the Lord. Here, I see my role as using my gift, my skill and work together with the older and younger generations to build the foundation of the house of God. It is about offering myself together with the people to build a solid foundation of the church for many years to come. Verses 12-13 encouraged me to join the community of God’s people to give praise and worship the Lord while laying the foundation of the house of God.


I will practise a surrendering life to God and be committed to the rebuilding of the house of the Lord. I will strengthen my spiritual discipline of reading, meditating on the word of God, and service as a daily habit.


Dear God, thank you for bringing the church through the season of change. Lord, guide and direct the church as it embarks on intentional discipleship beginning this year. Help us as your people to be committed to the rebuilding and renewing of the inner life of your people in Wesley MC. May this church be the house of the Lord where Your presence dwells. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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