10 January 2022 – Faithful To The End

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 10th January 2022


Ezra 7 and Psalm 10 (NIV)

Faithful To The End

(Alex Lai, Associate Lay Leader)


Ezra 7 and Psalm 10 (NIV)


Ezra 7 records the second group of Jews returning to Jerusalem from Babylon, led by Ezra. The first group of returning exiles to rebuild the temple was led by Zerubbabel, as recorded in Ezra 1-6.

Ezra is a direct descendant of Aaron the chief priest (v5) and hence he was a priest and scribe in his own right. He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, even though he was living in exile in Babylon.

In Ezra 7, “the gracious hand of the Lord was on him” was repeated 3 times in v6, v9 and v28. In v6, we read that King Artaxerxes had granted Ezra everything he asked, for the hand of the Lord his God was on him. In v9, we read that Ezra and his entourage arrived safely in Jerusalem from Babylon after 4 months of travel for the gracious hand of his God was on him. In v28, we read that Ezra was honoured before the king, his council and all his mighty nobles because the gracious hand of the Lord his God was on him. These 3 verses showed that God’s favour was on Ezra and it was because Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decree and laws in Israel (v10).

In his letter to Ezra, King Artaxerxes not only commissioned him to go back to Jerusalem and Judah to find out if the laws of God were being obeyed, he even gave Ezra silver and gold to buy sacrifices for the temple to worship God. He also allowed Ezra to take with him the gifts offered by the Israelites in Babylon. If that was not enough, Ezra could take the shortfall from the royal treasury. The king also ordered all treasurers in Western Province to help Ezra by providing whatever is needed for the temple. The king ended his letter by telling Ezra to punish those who did not obey the law of God or the law of the king.


Even though Ezra was in exile in Babylon, he continued to be faithful to God; not only by studying the law of God but also by observing and applying it in his life. He also continued to teach God’s decrees and regulations to the people of Israel. In other words, Ezra continued faithfully to be a disciple that makes disciples. Hence, the hand of the Lord was on him and he found success in whatever he did despite the challenging circumstances. As we embark on a new year and the road ahead continues to be challenging given the ever-changing landscape caused by the pandemic, we should continue to be faithful in our walk with God.

God had promised the restoration of Israel after 70 years of exile and He used pagan kings (Cyrus, Artaxerxes and Darius) to bless the Israelites by allowing, even encouraging and helping the Jewish people to return home. This demonstrates to us that God is faithful to the end and He will keep his promises. Even if we are living in a secular and pluralistic society, God can use the most unexpected circumstances to bless us. We should continue to be the salt and light as we are called to be set apart for God in the world.


  1. I will continue to be faithful in my walk with God despite the challenging environment.
  2. I will continue to trust God and His providence for He is a faithful God.


Dear God, I thank you for your faithfulness. As I embark on a new year, help me to continue walking faithfully with you. Grant me grace as I soak in your Word daily, not only to study it but to apply it in my life. Help me to be the salt and light and make a difference for you in the world. Help me to be a disciple that makes disciples. Amen.

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