8 November 2023 – Celebrating God’s Creation

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 8th November 2023


Amos 3 and Psalm 104:24-35 (NIV)

Celebrating God’s Creation


Amos 3 and Psalm 104:24-35 (NIV)

(Chang Lee Hoon, CiC Facilitator)


Psalm 104: 24 – 35 (The Passion Translation)

v24  O Lord, what an amazing variety of all you have created!
        Wild and wonderful is this world you have made,
        while wisdom was there at your side.
        This world is full of so many creatures, yet each belongs to you!

v27 All the creatures wait expectantly for you
       to give them their food as you determine.

v29 But if you were to withhold from them and turn away, they all would panic.
       And when you choose to take away their breath, each one dies and returns to the dust.


This psalm celebrates God’s creation and creation’s dependence upon Him. We celebrate His greatness and sovereignty all over the earth. It is God we see in all the creatures of the land, sea and air as they wait expectantly for Him to breathe life into them, to give them food, and even to take their lives away. Everything is in the hands of the Lord.

As I read The Passion Translation (TPT), God’s words just come alive for me, showing me His joy and splendour as I turn to Him.


As I look at recent events of war and destruction, disparity within and between countries, toxic waters being drained into the seas, nothing seems right at all. The world is in chaos. It must grieve God greatly to see the world in such a sorry state because of man’s sin and greed. Yet God shows me that it is He that gives life and takes it away; He is the earth’s overseer. My focal point in life should be on God and not on the things of the world. 


Let me wake up each day praising Your name and creation. May I rejoice in every good work that You have stirred in my heart. Be they challenging or easy, teach me to obey what You have in store for me. As You search my heart each day, help me to surrender my will to You in my words, actions and thoughts.


Psalm 104: 33-35 (TPT)

I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live!
Everyday I will sing my praises to God.
May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about You,
for You are the source of my joy and gladness.
Now, let all the sinners be swept from the earth.
But I will keep on praising You,
My Lord, with all that is within me.
My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of You! Amen.

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