8 November 2022 – What Are We Doing With Our ‘Wealth’?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 8th November 2022


Ephesians 1; 2 and Psalm 98 (NIV)

What Are We Doing With Our ‘Wealth’?


Ephesians 1; 2 and Psalm 98 (NIV)

(Christina Stanley, Zone 10 Core Team Member, Small Group Ministry)


Ephesians 1; 2  (ESV)


Paul’s mission was to strengthen believers. He had visited Ephesus twice, and later, while under house arrest in Rome, he wrote this letter to the Ephesians to encourage them to think of themselves in a whole new way. As believers, we have a brand new identity in Christ because this has always been God’s purpose from the very beginning. 

The Message puts this very clearly: “Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ.” (Eph 1:4-5) 

The abundance of His spiritual blessings that has been poured out upon us is part of God’s purpose and will for us. IN HIM – we are adopted to sonship through Jesus; redeemed by His blood; forgiven of our sins; and marked with His seal, the Holy Spirit. 

Believers then, are and should be DIFFERENT from non-believers.  Paul elaborates on this in Ephesians 2 – we are to be dead to sin; we should no longer gratify the cravings of the flesh; and believing that it is by GRACE that we are saved, we should not boast, as we are now God’s handiwork, fellow citizens, with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone (Eph 2:19). 

In understanding Paul’s call and exhortation, two questions are raised in my mind: 1. What are we doing with this WEALTH of spiritual blessings? 2. As believers, are we living lives that are markedly DIFFERENT, or not really? 


To the first question, I am reminded of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Will we hide away the spiritual blessings we have received, or will we use our spiritual blessings to bless others through service, words of encouragement, love, and meeting practical needs? 

As believers, we are the LIGHT of the world (Matthew 5:14). Yet, perhaps some may have chosen to put that light under a basket. The spiritual blessings we have received by GRACE from our Lord cannot be suppressed or hidden away. If we do, then we are rejecting God’s grace, and resisting the Holy Spirit. 

To the second question, our lives as believers must be markedly different in word, thought and deed. “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Paul reminds the Gentile Christians in Ephesus of their rich inheritance in Christ. And I am reminded by Paul to follow in his footsteps as he did in his earnest exhortations, to also encourage our fellow believers here where we live in Singapore – in the church, community, workplace, school and neighbourhood — of our glorious and eternal inheritance, the greatness of His power towards us who believe, His abundant grace, so that we can lift one another up as ONE in Christ


I wish to be more constant, conscientious and consistent in being more intentional in lifting up my sisters and brothers in Christ. These would include loved ones, friends, small group members, bible study course-mates, as well as lifting up, encouraging and blessing pastors, missionaries, and every person I know who has responded to God’s call to serve in the marketplace as well. 

I am assured that my “portfolio” or “bank” of spiritual blessings will never run dry unlike earthly or physical assets, because they have been accorded to me by God’s infinite grace. And, by His grace alone, there are limitless possibilities


Lord Jesus, thank You for my new identity as Your child. I am rich because of Your abundant spiritual blessings — keep me from squandering even an iota of these blessings that You have poured out on me. Enable me, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be always a channel of blessing unto others that Your name may be glorified. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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